PyObject dealloc Python C API期间的SIGSEGV

2024-09-30 16:21:02 发布

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#include "hexc.h"

// Define class boilerplate functions
static PyObject *hex_range_iter_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    hexrangeiter_t *self;

    self = (hexrangeiter_t *)(type->tp_alloc(type, 0));
    if (self != NULL) {
        self->pos = 0;
        self->dir = 0;
        self->distance = 1;
        self->radius = 0;
        self->hex = NULL;
        self->center = NULL;

    return (PyObject *)self;

static void hex_range_iter_dealloc(hexrangeiter_t *self)
    Py_DECREF(self->hex);  // decref our stored hex
    Py_DECREF(self->center); // and our center point
    Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject*)self); // SIGSEGV here


static int hex_range_iter_init(hexrangeiter_t *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    // Takes 2 args, the center of the ring as an AbstractHex, and the radius as an int
    static char *kwlist[] = {"center", "radius", NULL};
    if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "Oi", kwlist, &self->center, &self->radius))
        return -1;

    Py_INCREF(self->center); //increc\f here because Py_Arg_Parse... returns borrowed references
    PyObject *radius = PyLong_FromLong(1L);
    PyObject *direction = PyObject_CallMethod(self->center, "direction", "i", 4);
    PyObject *scaled = PyNumber_Multiply(direction, radius);
    self->hex = PyNumber_Add(self->center, scaled); // No incref needed because Py_Number_Add returns a new reference
    Py_DECREF(radius); // decref all of our temp variables
    return 0;

static PyObject *hex_range_iter_next(hexrangeiter_t *self)

    self->pos++; // pos is the index along a side of a hexagonal ring
    if (self->pos >= self->radius)  // its length is equal to the radius of the ring
    {                               // so check if we've run off the end and if so change direction
        self->pos = 0;

    if (self->dir >= 6)             // If we've already done all 6 sides
        self->dir = 0;              // reset our direction
        self->distance++;           // and increase our radius

        if (self->distance >= self->radius) // If we've reached our max radius
            return NULL;                    // return NULL to exit generator
                                            // Returning NULL in this case is enough. The next() builtin will raise the
                                            // StopIteration error for us.

        PyObject *radius = PyLong_FromLong(self->distance); // calculate our new starting position  v
        PyObject *direction = PyObject_CallMethod(self->center, "direction", "i", 4);
        PyObject *scaled = PyNumber_Multiply(direction, radius); 
        Py_DECREF(self->hex); // make sure to decref our unused hex from last call
        self->hex = PyNumber_Add(self->center, scaled);  // finish calc and save new hex            ^
        Py_DECREF(radius);  // decref all our temp variables

    PyObject *ret = self->hex; // grab a ref to our return value
    self->hex = PyObject_CallMethod(ret, "neighbor", "i", self->dir); // store the next hex in our sequence

    return (ret);

PyTypeObject HexRangeGenType = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
    "HexRangeGenerator",             /* tp_name */
    sizeof(hexrangeiter_t),           /* tp_basicsize */
    0,                              /* tp_itemsize */
    (destructor)hex_range_iter_dealloc,  /* tp_dealloc */
    0,                              /* tp_print */
    0,                              /* tp_getattr */
    0,                              /* tp_setattr */
    0,                              /* tp_reserved */
    0,                 /* tp_repr */
    0,                              /* tp_as_number */
    0,                              /* tp_as_sequence */
    0,                              /* tp_as_mapping */
    0,                              /* tp_hash */
    0,                              /* tp_call */
    0,                              /* tp_str */
    0,                              /* tp_getattro */
    0,                              /* tp_setattro */
    0,                              /* tp_as_buffer */
    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,             /* tp_flags */
    0,                              /* tp_doc */
    0,                              /* tp_traverse */
    0,                              /* tp_clear */
    0,                              /* tp_richcompare */
    0,                              /* tp_weaklistoffset */
    PyObject_SelfIter,              /* tp_iter */
    (iternextfunc)hex_range_iter_next,   /* tp_iternext */
    0,                              /* tp_methods */
    0,                              /* tp_members */
    0,                              /* tp_getset */
    0,                              /* tp_base */
    0,                              /* tp_dict */
    0,                              /* tp_descr_get */
    0,                              /* tp_descr_set */
    0,                              /* tp_dictoffset */
    (initproc)hex_range_iter_init,                 /* tp_init */
    0,            /* tp_alloc */
    hex_range_iter_new,                  /* tp_new */


#ifndef HEXC_H
#define HEXC_H

#include <Python.h>
#include <structmember.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// #include "math_3d.h"

// declare Hex object structure
struct abstracthex_s;
struct hex_s;
struct slice_s;
struct stack_s;
struct grid_s;

struct hexringiter_s;
struct hexrangeiter_s;

typedef struct abstracthex_s    abstracthex_t;
typedef struct slice_s          slice_t;
typedef struct stack_s          stack_t;
typedef struct hex_s            hex_t;
typedef struct grid_s           grid_t;

typedef struct hexringiter_s    hexringiter_t;
typedef struct hexrangeiter_s   hexrangeiter_t;

struct abstracthex_s
    int q;
    int r;
    int s;

struct hexringiter_s
    int pos;
    int dir;
    int radius;
    PyObject *hex;

struct hexrangeiter_s
    int dir;
    long pos;
    long distance;
    long radius;
    PyObject *hex;
    PyObject *center;

// declare Python type objects
extern PyTypeObject AbstractHexType;
extern PyTypeObject HexRingGenType;
extern PyTypeObject HexRangeGenType;
extern PyTypeObject HexType;
extern PyTypeObject SliceType;
extern PyTypeObject StackType;
extern PyTypeObject GridType;

// declare some handy constants
static int  DIRECTIONS[6][3] = {
    {1, 0, -1},
    {1, -1, 0},
    {0, -1, 1},
    {-1, 0, 1},
    {-1, 1, 0},
    {0, 1, -1}



import hexc
import time

center = hexc.AbstractHex(0,0,0)

start = time.time()
z = 0
for hex in hexc.HexRangeGenerator(center, 5):
    z += 1
print(time.time() - start)


#0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#1  0x00007ffff67ce521 in hex_range_iter_dealloc (self=0x7ffff6a0f5f0) at hexc/hex_range_iter.c:28
#2  0x00007ffff73c2e05 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x00007ffff742b2c8 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/lib/
#4  0x00007ffff73be6ec in PyEval_EvalCode () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x00007ffff7490f84 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x00007ffff7493751 in PyRun_FileExFlags () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x00007ffff7493954 in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags () from /usr/lib/
#8  0x00007ffff748970b in Py_Main () from /usr/lib/
#9  0x0000555555554c39 in main ()




if (PyType_Ready(&HexRingGenType) < 0)
    return NULL;


if (PyType_Ready(&HexRangeGenType) < 0)
    return NULL



Tags: inpyselfourrangestructintpyobject