
2024-09-29 01:25:20 发布

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def countNodes(tree):
    count = 0 

    if tree == None:
        return count

    if tree['left'] != None:
        if tree['data'][1][0] == 'w' or tree['data'][1][0] == 'W':   
            return count+1

    if tree['right'] != None:
         if (tree['data'][1][0] == 'w' or tree['data'][1][0] == 'W'):
            return count+1

    return count

def main():
    myTree = None  #create an empty tree
    #Create a tree with the nodes [20, 2, 25, 14, 1, 23, 75, 93, 74]
    #Note that the add function always returns the root of the BST!
    myTree = add(myTree, [20, "Jenna"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [2, "Wendy"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [25, "Layla"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [14, "Robert"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [1, "Jamie"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [23, "Stephanie"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [75, "Jay"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [93, "Barbara"])
    myTree = add(myTree, [74, "John"])


Tags: ortherightnoneaddtreedatareturn


def countNodes(tree):
    if tree == None:
        return 0
    count = 1 if tree["data"][1].startswith("W") else 0
    return count + countNodes(tree["left"]) + countNodes(tree["right"])


def countNodes(tree, toCheck):
    if tree == None:
        return 0
    count = 1 if tree["data"][1].startswith(toCheck) else 0
    return count + countNodes(tree["left"], toCheck) + countNodes(tree["right"], toCheck)




count += countNodes(tree['left'])
count += countNodes(tree['right'])


count = 0 

if tree == None:
    return count

if tree['left'] != None:
    if tree['data'][1][0] == 'w' or tree['data'][1][0] == 'W':

        count += 1

if tree['right'] != None:
     if (tree['data'][1][0] == 'w' or tree['data'][1][0] == 'W'):

        count += 1

count += countNodes(tree['left'])
count += countNodes(tree['right'])
return count



class Node:
    Tree node: left and right child + data which can be any object
    def __init__(self, data=(0,' ')):
        Node constructor

        @param data node data object
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.data = data

    def insert(self, data):
        Insert new node with data
        @param data node data object to insert
        if self.data:
            if data < self.data:
                if self.left is None:
                    self.left = Node(data)
            elif data > self.data:
                if self.right is None:
                    self.right = Node(data)
            self.data = data 

    def lookup(self, data, parent=None):
        Lookup node containing data
        @param data node data object to look up
        @param parent node's parent
        @returns node and node's parent if found or None, None
        if data < self.data:
            if self.left is None:
                return None, None
            return self.left.lookup(data, self)
        elif data > self.data:
            if self.right is None:
                return None, None
            return self.right.lookup(data, self)
            return self, parent

    def delete(self, data):
        Delete node containing data

        @param data node's content to delete
        # get node containing data
        node, parent = self.lookup(data)
        if node is not None:
            children_count = node.children_count()

        if children_count == 0:
            # if node has no children, just remove it
            if parent:
                if parent.left is node:
                    parent.left = None
                    parent.right = None
                del node
                self.data = None
        elif children_count == 1:
            # if node has 1 child
            # replace node with its child
            if node.left:
                n = node.left
                n = node.right
            if parent:
                if parent.left is node:
                    parent.left = n
                    parent.right = n
                del node
                self.left = n.left
                self.right = n.right
                self.data = n.data
             # if node has 2 children
             # find its successor
             parent = node
             successor = node.right
             while successor.left:
                 parent = successor
                 successor = successor.left
             # replace node data by its successor data
             node.data = successor.data
             # fix successor's parent's child
             if parent.left == successor:
                 parent.left = successor.right
                 parent.right = successor.right 

    def print_tree(self):
        Print tree content inorder
        if self.left:
        print( self.data, end='')
        if self.right:

    def children_count(self):
        Returns the number of children

        @returns number of children: 0, 1, 2
        cnt = 0
        if self.left:
            cnt += 1
        if self.right:
            cnt += 1
        return cnt

    def compare_trees(self, node):
        Compare 2 trees

        @param node tree's root node to compare to
        @returns True if the tree passed is identical to this tree
        if node is None:
            return False
        if self.data != node.data:
            return False
        res = True
        if self.left is None:
            if node.left:
                return False
            res = self.left.compare_trees(node.left)
        if res is False:
            return False
        if self.right is None:
            if node.right:
                return False
            res = self.right.compare_trees(node.right)
        return res

    def tree_data(self):
        Generator to get the tree nodes data
        # we use a stack to traverse the tree in a non-recursive way
        stack = []
        node = self
        while stack or node: 
            if node:
                node = node.left
            else: # we are returning so we pop the node and we yield it
                node = stack.pop()
                yield node.data
                node = node.right

#:class node()

def countNodes(tree):
    count = 0
    if tree.data[1][0].upper() == 'W':
        count += 1
    print("visitingNode", tree.data, "count", count, "tree.data[1]", tree.data[1])
    if tree.left == None and tree.right==None:
        return count
    if tree.left != None:
        count += countNodes(tree.left)
    if tree.right != None:
        count += countNodes(tree.right)
    return count

def main():
    myTree = Node()  #create an empty tree
    #Create a tree with the nodes [20, 2, 25, 14, 1, 23, 75, 93, 74]
    #Note that the add function always returns the root of the BST!
    myTree.insert((20, "Jenna"))
    myTree.insert((2, "Wendy"))
    myTree.insert((25, "Layla"))
    myTree.insert((14, "Robert"))
    myTree.insert((1, "Jamie"))
    myTree.insert((23, "Stephanie"))
    myTree.insert((75, "Jay"))
    myTree.insert((93, "Barbara"))
    myTree.insert((74, "John"))

    print("Number of names beginning with 'W' or 'w':", countNodes(myTree))

if __name__ == '__main__':



visitingNode (0, ' ') count 0 tree.data[1]  
visitingNode (20, 'Jenna') count 0 tree.data[1] Jenna
visitingNode (2, 'Wendy') count 1 tree.data[1] Wendy
visitingNode (1, 'Jamie') count 0 tree.data[1] Jamie
visitingNode (14, 'Robert') count 0 tree.data[1] Robert
visitingNode (25, 'Layla') count 0 tree.data[1] Layla
visitingNode (23, 'Stephanie') count 0 tree.data[1] Stephanie
visitingNode (75, 'Jay') count 0 tree.data[1] Jay
visitingNode (74, 'John') count 0 tree.data[1] John
visitingNode (93, 'Barbara') count 0 tree.data[1] Barbara
Number of names beginning with 'W' or 'w': 1

请注意,if tree.data[1][0].upper() == 'W':足以测试“W”和“W”两种情况,并且向下分支到根本不存在的节点(当.left为None或.right为None)是没有意义的。这使得“countNodes()”的代码稍微短一些,并且更容易理解。你知道吗

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