
2024-05-19 10:23:39 发布

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有一个链接,您可以阅读更多有关此主题的内容: Dead time



import numpy as np
random_set = np.random.poisson(lam=1, size = 500) #The source is making the elements with Poisson distribution
#lam could be any other value 
d = 2 #dead time, could be any other integers

#Saturation effect
#detector could not detect more than one elements at a time
random_set[random_set>1] = 1

index = 1 
#Paralyzable dead time effect
for i in range(1, (random_set.shape[0])):
    for j in range(index, index + d+1):

        if random_set[j]==1:
            index = j

它没有犯任何错误,但它肯定没有做我所期待的。 有没有一个快速的方法让它工作?你知道吗


Tags: 模型numpy元素indextimenp时间random


在这里,我只做了另一个向量,基本上是用numpy的,把主向量的d距离等于零,然后把它们相乘,最后在has to的位置上得到1,在blocked的位置上得到0。你知道吗

import numpy as np
random_set = np.random.poisson(lam=1, size = 20) #The source is making the elements with Poisson distribution
#lam could be any other value 
d = 3 #dead time, could be any other integers

#Saturation effect
#detector could not detect more than one elements at a time
random_set[random_set>1] = 1
new_vec = np.ones(random_set.shape)
for i in range(random_set.shape[0]):
    if random_set[i]==1:

result = new_vec*random_set 



import numpy as np

random_set = np.random.poisson(lam=1, size = 30) #The source is making the elements with Poisson distribution
#lam could be any other value 
d = 2 #dead time, could be any other integers

#Saturation effect
#detector could not detect more than one elements at a time
random_set[random_set>1] = 1

print('###initial random set')
#set max index
max_index = random_set.shape[0] - 1
print('i', '\t', 'j', '\t', 'dt', '\t',' i+dt+1')

#Paralyzable dead time effect
for i,val in enumerate(random_set):
    #see if current value is an event
    if val == 1:
        #if so, set next d elements to zero
        dt = d
        #emulate 'for j in range(i+1, i+dt+1):' with a while loop
        j = i+1 if i < max_index else max_index        
        while j < i+dt+1:
            print(i, '\t',j, '\t', dt, '\t', i+dt+1)
            #if an event is foud within the d window, increase dt by another d
            if random_set[j]==1:
                dt += d

           #dont let the i+dt+1 to get out of the bounds of the random_set 
            if i+dt+1 > max_index:
                dt =   max_index - i
            j += 1
print('###final random set')


###initial random set
[1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1]
i    j   dt  i+dt+1
0    1   2   3
0    2   2   3
4    5   2   7
4    6   4   9
4    7   4   9
4    8   6   11
4    9   8   13
4    10  10  15
4    11  12  17
4    12  14  19
4    13  14  19
4    14  14  19
4    15  14  19
4    16  14  19
4    17  14  19
4    18  16  21
4    19  16  21
4    20  18  23
4    21  18  23
4    22  18  23
23   24  2   26
23   25  4   28
23   26  6   30
23   27  6   30
23   28  6   30
23   29  6   30
###final random set
[1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]


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