
2024-06-02 09:50:29 发布

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我的任务是解析所有这些文件并创建一个基本上如下面所示的数据帧。sample dataframe with 5 batches instead of 19上图显示了总共19个批中的5个批。你知道吗





import pandas as pd

spath = 'd:\\a2\\studentlist.csv'
q1path = 'd:\\a2\\quiz\\quiz1.csv'
q2path = 'd:\\a2\\quiz\\quiz2.csv'
b1path = 'd:\\a2\\batchwiselist\\1.csv'
b9path = 'd:\\a2\\batchwiselist\\9.csv'
tpath = 'd:\\a2\\testcasestudent.txt'

# the final dataframe that needs to be created and filled up eventually
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['batch1', 'batch2', 'batch3', 'batch4', 'batch9'], ['quiz1', 'quiz2']])
cols=['noofpresent', 'lesserthan50', 'between50and60', 'between60and70', 'between70and80', 'greaterthan80']
statdf = pd.DataFrame('-', idx, cols)

# ============BATCH 9===================]

# ----------- QUIZ 1 -----------]

# Master list of students in Batch 9
b9 = pd.read_csv(b9path, usecols=['studentName', 'admissionNumber'])
b9.rename(columns={'studentName' : 'Firstname'}, inplace=True)
# To match column from quiz1.csv to batch9.csv to for merger

# Master list of all who attended Quiz1
q1 = pd.read_csv(q1path, usecols = ['Firstname', 'Grade/10.00', 'State'], na_values = ['-', 'In progress', np.NaN])
q1['Grade/10.00'] = q1['Grade/10.00'] * 10
# Multiplying the grades by 10 to mark against 100 instead of 10

# Merge batch9 list of names to list of quiz1 on their firstname column
q1b9 = pd.merge(b9, q1)
q1b9 = q1.loc[q1['Firstname'].isin(b9.Firstname)]        # checking if the name exits in either lists

lt50 = q1b9.loc[(q1b9['Grade/10.00'] < 50)]         
#findout list of students whose grades are lesser than 50
out9q1 = (lt50['Grade/10.00'].count())
# print(out9q1) to just get the count of number of students who got <50 quiz1 from batch9

# Similar process for quiz2 below for batch9.
# -------------------- QUIZ 2 ------------------]

# Master list of all who attended Quiz2
q2 = pd.read_csv(q2path, usecols = ['Firstname', 'Grade/10.00', 'State'], na_values = ['-', 'In progress', np.NaN])
q2['Grade/10.00'] = q2['Grade/10.00'] * 10

# Merge B1 to Q2
q2b9 = pd.merge(b9, q2)
q2b9 = q2.loc[q2['Firstname'].isin(b9.Firstname)]

q2b9.loc[(q2b9['Grade/10.00'] <= 50)].count()
lt50 = q2b9.loc[(q2b9['Grade/10.00'] < 50)]
out9q2 = (lt50['Grade/10.00'].count())
# print(out9q2)


Tags: 文件ofcsvtoa2firstnamelistb9

在下面的代码中,我已经生成了所有csv路径并逐个加载,然后执行所有过程,然后生成的数据帧保存在数据帧列表中,如[[batch1\u q1\u result,batch1\u q2\u result],[batch2\u q1\u result,batch2\u q2\u result]…]

def doAll(baseBatchPath, numberOfBatches):
    batchResultListAll = [] # this will store the resulted dataframes
    spath = 'd:\\a2\\studentlist.csv'
    q1path = 'd:\\a2\\quiz\\quiz1.csv'
    q2path = 'd:\\a2\\quiz\\quiz2.csv'
    tpath = 'd:\\a2\\testcasestudent.txt'
    # the final dataframe that needs to be created and filled up eventually
    idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['batch1', 'batch2', 'batch3', 'batch4', 'batch9'], ['quiz1', 'quiz2']])
    cols=['noofpresent', 'lesserthan50', 'between50and60', 'between60and70', 'between70and80', 'greaterthan80']
    statdf = pd.DataFrame('-', idx, cols)

    # Master list of all who attended Quiz1
    q1 = pd.read_csv(q1path, usecols = ['Firstname', 'Grade/10.00', 'State'], na_values = ['-', 'In progress', np.NaN])
    q1['Grade/10.00'] = q1['Grade/10.00'] * 10
    # Master list of all who attended Quiz2
    q2 = pd.read_csv(q2path, usecols = ['Firstname', 'Grade/10.00', 'State'], na_values = ['-', 'In progress', np.NaN])
    q2['Grade/10.00'] = q2['Grade/10.00'] * 10

    # generate each batch file path and do other works
    for batchId in range(numberOfBatches-1):
        batchCsvPath = baseBatchPath + str(batchId+1) + ".csv"
        # Master list of students in Batch 9
        batch = pd.read_csv(batchCsvPath, usecols=['studentName', 'admissionNumber'])
        batch.rename(columns={'studentName' : 'Firstname'}, inplace=True)
        # Merge eachBatch list of names to list of quiz1 on their firstname column
        q1batch = pd.merge(batch, q1)
        q1batch = q1.loc[q1['Firstname'].isin(batch.Firstname)]        # checking if the name exits in either lists

        lt50 = q1batch.loc[(q1batch['Grade/10.00'] < 50)]         
        #findout list of students whose grades are lesser than 50
        outBatchq1 = (lt50['Grade/10.00'].count())
        # print(outBatchq1) to just get the count of number of students who got <50 quiz1 from batch -> batchId

        #do same for quiz 2

        # Merge each Batch to Q2
        q2batch = pd.merge(batch, q2)
        q2batch = q2.loc[q2['Firstname'].isin(batch.Firstname)]

        q2batch.loc[(q2batch['Grade/10.00'] <= 50)].count()
        lt50 = q2batch.loc[(q2batch['Grade/10.00'] < 50)]
        outBatchq2 = (lt50['Grade/10.00'].count())
        # print(outBatchq2)
        # finally save the resulted DF for later use
        batchResultListAll.append([q1batch, q2batch])

#call the function using base path and number of batch csv files        
doAll("d:\\\\a2\\\\batchwiselist\\\\", 18)

制作一个包含所有CSV文件路径的list对象,然后使用for循环来解析所有这些。显然,您将不得不在csv文件中使用动态file硬编码的地方调整代码 像这样:

csv_files = ['file1.csv','file2.csv2']
for file in csv_files:

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