
2024-06-02 02:51:16 发布

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from __future__ import print_function
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
knownAPs = {'WLC1': {'': {'72.6': ['AP22', 'city'], '55.1': ['AP102', 'office']}}, 'WLC2': {'': {}}}
discoveredAPs = {'WLC1': {'': {}}, 'WLC2': {'': {}}}
ddiff = DeepDiff(knownAPs, discoveredAPs)
if 'dic_item_added' in ddiff.keys():
    print('Item added to known: ' + str((ddiff['dic_item_added'])))
if 'dic_item_removed' in ddiff.keys():
    DisAssociatedAPs = (list(list(ddiff['dic_item_removed'])))
    for i in DisAssociatedAPs:
        fullkeypath = (str(i).strip('root'))
        ControllerName = (fullkeypath[0])
        ControllerIP = (fullkeypath[1])
        AccessPointIndex = (fullkeypath[2])
        print('AP: ' + str(knownAPs + fullkeypath) + ' on controller: ' + str(ControllerName) + ' was removed from the known database')
if 'values_changed' in ddiff.keys():
    print('Item changed: ' + str((ddiff['values_changed'])))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/xxx/testdic4.py", line 15, in <module>
    print('AP: ' + str(knownAPs + fullkeypath) + ' on controller: ' + str(ControllerName) + ' was removed from the known database')
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'str'

Process finished with exit code 1


AP: ['AP22', 'city'] on controller: ['WLC1'] was removed from the known database
AP: ['AP102', 'office'] on controller: ['WLC1'] was removed from the known database

Tags: infrom字典itemapknownprintremoved
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-02 02:51:16

问题正是回溯告诉您的:您正在尝试向字符串添加字典,这当然不是您想要的。具体地说,当您将knownAPs(type dict)添加到fullkeypath(type str)时,会出现一个错误,因为dict不知道如何将自身添加到str。你知道吗


diffs = deepdiff.DeepDiff(knownAPs, discoveredAPs)

def get_value_from_string(d, s):
    s = list(filter(None, (piece[2:-1] for piece in s.split(']'))))

    for piece in s:
        d = d[piece]
    return d

if 'dic_item_removed' in diffs:
    for item in diffs['dic_item_removed']:
        item = item.strip('root')
        base = item[2:item.find(']') - 1]
        print('AP:', get_value_from_string(knownAPs, item), 
            'on controller: \'' + base + '\' was removed from the known '

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