从多索引csv fi创建多索引数据帧

2024-10-03 21:26:41 发布

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"Products" "Technologies" Region1 Region2 Region3
Prod1       Tech1         16      0       12
Prod2       Tech2         0       12      22
Prod3       Tech3         22      0       36


"Technologies"  "Regions"   Prod1   Prod2   Prod3
Tech1           Region1     16      0       0
Tech1           Region2     0       0       0
Tech1           Region3     12      0       0
Tech2           Region1     0       0       0
Tech2           Region2     0       12      0
Tech2           Region3     0       22      0
Tech3           Region1     0       0       22
Tech3           Region2     0       0       0
Tech3           Region3     0       0       36

Tags: 文件csv数据productsregionstechnologiestech1tech2
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-03 21:26:41

stackunstack是重塑数据帧的有用函数,前者将列索引转换为行索引,后者则相反,也是check this tutorial

# transform regions to a separate column
(df.set_index(["Products", "Technologies"]).stack()

# rename the Region column and remove the name for Products column as it will be unstacked
   .rename_axis(("", "Technologies", "Regions"))

# unstack the product column to headers and reset the index to be columns
   .unstack(level=0, fill_value=0).reset_index())

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