使用带scipy minimum的无编译函数

2024-09-30 18:18:18 发布

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我正在写一个脚本来计算一些函数,这些函数应该适合一些中子散射数据。 我有一个带有能量值的数组X,我把它和其他参数一起传递给函数,得到拟合曲线。 我使用一个简单的平方距离来最小化,我想使用一个no并同时计算包含所有数据集的大数组(所有测量的散射角的参数值相同,现在我只是在每个角度上测试最小化例程)。你知道吗



def resFunc_pseudo_voigt():
''' Resolution function for the backscattering spectrometer using a pseudo-voigt profile.

    Returns: The compiled theano function

    Inputs: normF   - scale factor which can be used for normalization
            S       - contribution factor for the lorentzian
            lorW    - lorentzian width
            gauW    - gaussian width    
            shift   - shift from 0 of the voigt profile's maximum
            bkgd    - background term

    Output: The compiled theano function result '''

X = T.vector()
normF = T.scalar()
S = T.scalar()
lorW = T.scalar()
gauW = T.scalar()
shift = T.scalar()
bkgd = T.scalar()

results, updates = theano.scan(lambda x_i: (normF * (S * lorW / (lorW**2 + (x_i - shift)**2) / np.pi 
                                         + (1-S) * T.exp(-(x_i-shift)**2 / 2*gauW**2) / gauW*T.sqrt(2*np.pi)
                                         + bkgd)), 

f_out = theano.function(inputs=[X, normF, S, lorW, gauW, shift, bkgd],
                    outputs=results, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)

return f_out


def res_cost(self, x, datas):

    cost = np.sum((datas.intensities - self.resFunc(datas.energies, *x))**2 / datas.errors**2)

    return cost

def resFit(self):

    for i, resFile in enumerate(self.dataList):
        resList = []
        for j, datas in enumerate(resFile):
            resList.append(optimize.minimize(lambda x: self.res_cost(x, datas),
                                             [50, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0, 0.05],
                                             bounds=[(0., 1000.), (0., 1.), (0., 10.), (0., 10.),
                                                     (-5., 5.), (0., 0.8)]))

            print('\n> Final result for qVal = %s: ' % datas.qVal, flush=True)
            print('Fit normF : ' + str(resList[j].x[0]), flush=True)
            print('Fit S     : ' + str(resList[j].x[1]), flush=True)
            print('Fit lorW  : ' + str(resList[j].x[2]), flush=True)
            print('Fit gauW  : ' + str(resList[j].x[3]), flush=True)
            print('Fit shift : ' + str(resList[j].x[4]), flush=True)
            print('Fit bkgd  : ' + str(resList[j].x[5]), flush=True)




Tags: selftrueforshifttheanofitscalarprint