
2024-09-30 12:26:03 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


  "course1": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "123",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course2": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "456",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course2": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "789",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course2": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "1011",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course3": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "1213",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course3": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "1415",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"

我想组合任何块/对象/列表(我不知道它叫什么),它们有相同的键值。 像这样:

  "course1": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "123",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course2": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "456",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "789",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "1011",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
  "course3": [
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "1213",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"
      "courseName": "test",
      "section": "1415",
      "academicHours": "3",
      "day1": "1",
      "room1": "0145 03 1 B 015"


另外,我试着使用json.dumps()并从那里开始工作,但由于某种原因,当我将它与任何包含阿拉伯语字符的json一起使用时,它会发疯并把整个事情搞砸。 很不幸,我被正则表达式困住了。你知道吗


Tags: 对象testjson列表section字符键值dumps
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-30 12:26:03

stdlib json提供了一个钩子,允许对具有重复键的对象进行解码。这个简单的“扩展”钩子应该适用于您的示例数据:

def myhook(pairs):
    d = {}
    for k, v in pairs:
        if k not in d:
          d[k] = v
          d[k] += v
    return d

mydata = json.loads(bad_json, object_pairs_hook=myhook)

尽管the JSON specification中没有禁止重复键的内容,但首先应该避免:

1.1. Conventions Used in This Document

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].


  1. Objects

    An object structure is represented as a pair of curly brackets surrounding zero or more name/value pairs (or members). A name is a string. A single colon comes after each name, separating the name from the value. A single comma separates a value from a following name. The names within an object SHOULD be unique.

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