
2024-06-24 12:41:49 发布

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time        id  type
2012-12-19  1   abcF1
2013-11-02  1   xF1yz
2012-12-19  1   abcF1
2012-12-18  1   abcF1
2013-11-02  1   xF1yz
2006-07-07  5   F5spo
2006-07-06  5   F5spo
2005-07-07  5   F5abc





time        id  type
<deleted because for id 1 the date is not the max value and the type differs from the type of the max date for id 1>
2013-11-02  1   xF1yz
<deleted because for id 1 the date is not the max value and the type differs from the type of the max date for id 1>
<deleted because for id 1 the date is not the max value and the type differs from the type of the max date for id 1>
2013-11-02  1   xF1yz
2006-07-07  5   F5spo
2006-07-06  5   F5spo //kept because although the date is not max, it has the same type as the row with the max date for id 5
<deleted because for id 5 the date is not the max value and the type differs from the type of the max date for id 5>

我怎样才能做到这一点? 我刚接触熊猫,正在努力学习如何正确使用图书馆。你知道吗

Tags: andtheidfordateisvaluetype


df = df.merge(df.loc[df.groupby('id')['time'].idxmax(), ['id','type']])
print (df)
        time  id   type
0 2013-11-02   1  xF1yz
1 2013-11-02   1  xF1yz
2 2006-07-07   5  F5spo
3 2006-07-06   5  F5spo


df = df.merge(df.sort_values('time').drop_duplicates('id', keep='last')[["id", "type"]])


# If neccessary cast to datetime dtype
# df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'])

s = df.set_index('type').groupby('id')['time'].transform('idxmax')
df[df.type == s.values]


        time  id   type
1 2013-11-02   1  xF1yz
4 2013-11-02   1  xF1yz
5 2006-07-07   5  F5spo
6 2006-07-06   5  F5spo


last_rows = df.sort_values('time').groupby('id').last()


result = df.merge(last_rows, on=["id", "type"])
#       time_x  id   type      time_y
#0  2013-11-02   1  xF1yz  2013-11-02
#1  2013-11-02   1  xF1yz  2013-11-02
#2  2006-07-07   5  F5spo  2006-07-07
#3  2006-07-06   5  F5spo  2006-07-07


result.drop('time_y', axis=1, inplace=True)

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