
2024-10-01 22:28:24 发布

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B)早期发现时清理出口。我认为使用take(1, npartitions=-1)可以实现这一点,但我不确定。最初,我引发了一个异常raise Exception("%s is your answer' % test_str),它起作用了,但感觉“肮脏”



import distributed
import math
import dask.bag as db
import hashlib 
import dask
import os

if os.environ.get('SCHED_URL', False):
    sched_url = os.environ['SCHED_URL']
    client = distributed.Client(sched_url)
    versions = client.get_versions(True)

difficulty = 'easy'

settings = {
    'hard': (hashlib.md5('welcome1'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890', 8),
    'mid-hard': (hashlib.md5('032abgh'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'abcdefghijklmnop1234567890', 7),
    'mid': (hashlib.md5('b08acd'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'0123456789abcdef', 6),
    'easy': (hashlib.md5('0812'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(),'0123456789', 4)

hashed_pw, keyspace, max_guess_length = settings[difficulty]

def is_pw(guess):
    return hashlib.md5(guess.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() == hashed_pw 

def guess(n):
    guess = ''
    size = len(keyspace)
    while n>0 :
        n -= 1
        guess += keyspace[n % size];
        n = math.floor(n / size);
    return guess

def make_exploder(num_partitions, max_val):
    """Creates a function that maps a int to a range based on the number maximum value aimed for
        and the number of partitions that are expected.
        Used in this code used with map and flattent to take a short list 
        i.e 1->1e6 to a large one 1->1e20 in dask rather than on the host machine."""
    steps = math.ceil(max_val / num_partitions)
    def explode(partition):
        return range(partition * steps, partition * steps + steps)
    return explode

max_val = len(keyspace) ** max_guess_length # How many possiable password permutation
partitions = math.floor(max_val / 100) 
partitions = partitions if partitions < 100000 else 100000 # split in to a maximum of 10000 partitions. Too many partitions caused issues, memory I think.
exploder = make_exploder(partitions, max_val) # Sort of the opposite of a reduce. make_exploder(10, 100)(3) => [30, 31, ..., 39]. Expands the problem back in to the full problem space.

print("max val: %s, partitions:%s" % (max_val, partitions))

search = db.from_sequence(range(partitions), npartitions=partitions).map(exploder).flatten().filter(lambda i: i <= max_val).map(guess).filter(is_pw)


我发现“easy”在本地运行良好,“mid hard”在我们的6到8*m4.2xlarge AWS集群上运行得很好。但到目前为止还没有hard工作。在

Tags: thetoimportmathvalmd5maxdask
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-01 22:28:24

A) the parameter space is massive and trying to create a dask bag with 2.8211099e+12 members caused memory issues (hence the 'explode' function you'll see in the sample code below).


B) Clean exit on early find. I think using take(1, npartitions=-1) will achieve this but I wasn't sure. Originally I raised an exception raise Exception("%s is your answer' % test_str) which worked but felt "dirty"

如果你想要这个,我建议不要用垃圾袋,而是使用concurrent.futures interface,尤其是as_completed迭代器。在

C) Given this is long running and sometimes workers or AWS boxes die, how would it be best to store progress?

只要您能保证调度程序能够生存,Dask应该对此有弹性。如果您使用concurrent futures接口而不是dask bag,那么您还可以跟踪客户机进程上的中间结果。在

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