
2024-09-29 22:24:48 发布

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cleandata4bestdeal2=cleandata4bestdeal.dropna(axis=0,how=any,inplace = False)


Tags: 数据方法falsedataframeageanynanhow
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 22:24:48
# create some sample data, since none was provided
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'Age': [15, 700, 600, 150, 125, 32, 45, 43, 56, 1002], 'Boolean': ['001', '100', '0', '1', '1', '010', '110', '1', '0', '0']})
>>> print(df)
    Age Boolean
0    15     001
1   700     100
2   600       0
3   150       1
4   125       1
5    32     010
6    45     110
7    43       1
8    56       0
9  1002       0

# keep only those rows for which the 'Age' column is in the inclusive range [18, 150]
>>> new_df = df[df['Age'].isin(range(18, 151))]
>>> print(new_df)
   Age Boolean
3  150       1
4  125       1
5   32     010
6   45     110
7   43       1
8   56       0

# finally, keep only those boolean values that are of length 1 
# (i.e. exclude rows with 'Boolean' values like '110' or '010')
>>> new_df = new_df[new_df['Boolean'].map(len) == 1]
>>> print(new_df)
   Age Boolean
3  150       1
4  125       1
7   43       1
8   56       0

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