
2024-09-29 23:27:22 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文



OutputName, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 PersonReport, name, surname, age, dob, id AccountReport, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 TransactionReport, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5


OutputName, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 PersonReport, name, surname, street, age, id TransactionReport, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5



 import pandas as pd
 masterDf = pd.read_csv('master.csv')
 master = masterDf.set_index('OutputName').T.to_dict('list')

 templateDf = pd.read_csv('template.csv')
 template = templateDf.set_index('OutputName').T.to_dict('list')


template = {' PersonReport': [' name', ' surname', ' age', ' dob', ' id'], ' AccountReport': [' f1', ' f2', ' f3', ' f4', ' f5 '], ' TransactionReport': [' f1', ' f2', ' f3', ' f4', ' f5']}

master = {' PersonReport': [' name', ' surname', ' street', ' age', ' id'], ' TransactionReport': [' f1', ' f2', ' f3', ' f4', ' f5']}





name is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 surname is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 age is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 dob is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 dob is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 id is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f1 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f2 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f3 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f4 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f5  is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f5  is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f1 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f2 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f3 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f4 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 f5 is an invalid field in  PersonReport report
 AccountReport is an invalid report
 name is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 surname is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 age is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 dob is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 dob is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 id is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f1 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f2 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f3 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f4 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f5  is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f5  is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f1 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f2 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f3 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f4 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report
 f5 is an invalid field in  TransactionReport report


AccountReport is an invalid report
dob is an invalid field in PersonReport report

感谢任何帮助 谢谢 p、 使用python I的6.6 m

Tags: csvinreportanfieldisf5f2


template = {' PersonReport': [' name', ' surname', ' age', ' dob', ' id'], ' AccountReport': [' f1', ' f2', ' f3', ' f4', ' f5 '], ' TransactionReport': [' f1', ' f2', ' f3', ' f4', ' f5']}
master = {' PersonReport': [' name', ' surname', ' street', ' age', ' id'], ' TransactionReport': [' f1', ' f2', ' f3', ' f4', ' f5']}
invalid_names = ["{} in dict".format(i) if i in master else "{} not in dict".format(i) for i in template]
invalid_values = filter(lambda x:x, [["{} is an invalid value".format(c) for c in b if c not in master[a]] for a, b in template.items() if a in master])




errorCount = 0

for key in template.keys():
    if key not in master:
        print("{} is an invalid report".format(key))
        errorCount += 1
        if template[key] != master[key]:
            fields = [f for f in template[key] if f not in master[key]]
            for f in fields:
                print("{} is an invalid field in {} report".format(f, key))
                errorCount += 1



你的代码有几个错误导致你检查每个字段。使用continue并只迭代正确的键就解决了这个问题。 下面是一个固定的代码片段:

for key in template.keys():
    if key not in master:
        print("{} is an invalid report".format(key))
        errorCount += 1
        continue # Continue to next key
    cols = master[key] # Get the correct column names from the current key
    errorFlag = False
    for field in template[key]:
        if field not in cols:
            print("{} is an invalid field in {} report".format(field, key)) 
            errorCount += 1
            errorFlag = True # You can break here if you wish not to keep incrementing the errorCount.

    if not errorFlag: # We did not find any bad column
        print("Success finding valid {} report in master".format(key))



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