
2024-07-05 09:05:13 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


    ans = False
print(""" *****Hello. Welcome to the Vignère Cipher Encryption Program*****
    ***This program uses a keyword that is repeated until it
    matches the same lenght of the message and then adds its
    numerical value to the numerical value of the message and
    outputs the encrypted message in alpha. 
    Please press:
    E to Encrypt
    D to Decrypt
    or  double tap enter to quit.

ans=input("What would you like to do now???")

if ans == "E":
    plaintext = input("Please enter a message to be encrypted: ").upper()
    keyword = input("Please enter a keyword to be used to encrypt a message (alpha only): ").upper()
    ciphered = " "
    for i in range (len(plaintext)):
        char = plaintext[i]
        alphakeywordvalue = ord(keyword[i%len(keyword)]) - ord("A")+1
        if char.isupper():
            if ans == "E" :
                value = ord(char) + alphakeywordvalue 
                if value > ord("Z"): 
                    value -= 26
                    print ("Your encrypted text is:", ciphered)

elif ans == "D":
    plaintext = input("Please enter a message to be dencrypted: ").upper()
    keyword = input("Please enter a keyword to be used to dencrypt a message (alpha only(make sure that it is the same keyword used to encrypt the message)): ").upper()
    ciphered = " "
    for i in range (len(plaintext)):
        char = plaintext[i]
        alphakeywordvalue = ord(keyword[i%len(keyword)]) - ord("A")+1
        if char.isupper():
            if ans == "D" :
                value = ord(char) - alphakeywordvalue
                if value <ord("A"):
                    value += 26
                ciphered += chr(value)
                print ("Your decrypted text is:", ciphered)

Tags: thetomessageinputifisvaluekeyword



def encrypt(message, key, direction='E'):
    # Look here. There are three arguments. Third one takes 'E' to encrypt
    # and anything else to decrypt. You can modify to handle more cases

    ciphered = "" # Initialize. You did it almost well
    for i in range (len(message)):
        char = message[i]
        alphakeywordvalue = ord(key[i%len(key)]) - ord("A")+1 # Perfect. We took the key
        if direction=='E': # To encrypt
            value = ord(char) + alphakeywordvalue 
        else: # To decrypt
            value = ord(char) - alphakeywordvalue 
        ciphered += chr(value) # chr is the inverse of ord. It gets the character back
        # You missed this line
    return ciphered



输出如下: enter image description here



    if ans == "E":
        plaintext = input("Please enter a message to be encrypted: ").upper()
        keyword = input("Please enter a keyword to be used to encrypt a message (alpha only): ").upper()
1)->    ciphered = " "
        for i in range (len(plaintext)):
            char = plaintext[i]
            alphakeywordvalue = ord(keyword[i%len(keyword)]) - ord("A")+1
2)->        if char.isupper():
3)->            if ans == "E" :
                    value = ord(char) + alphakeywordvalue 
                    if value > ord("Z"): 
                        value -= 26
4)->                    print ("Your encrypted text is:", ciphered)
  1. ciphered设置为空字符串,不会更改。在
  2. 您总是知道char是upper,因为您将所有的明文设置为upper()
  3. 你知道ans == "E"因为你之前测试过它
  4. 这个print()目前是缩进的,它每次通过循环都会尝试打印

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