Google SpeechtoText API:语音识别缺少或信心不足

2024-07-07 09:01:10 发布

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{u'alternative': [{u'transcript': u'if Carol comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if Carroll comes tomorrow never'}, {u'transcript': u'if Carroll comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if Carole comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if care comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if Carroll comes tomorrow however'}, {u'transcript': u'if girl comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'is Carroll comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if call comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'Carol comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if kevin comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if Carroll comes tomorrow have'}, {u'transcript': u'if korea comes tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if Carroll come tomorrow have a'}, {u'transcript': u'if cry comes tomorrow have a'}], u'final': True}

原始样品在末端部分切割,但明确表示: “如果卡罗尔明天来的话,就请你……”


{u'alternative': [{u'confidence': 0.91297865, u'transcript': u'by that time perhaps something better can'}, {u'transcript': u'by that time perhaps something better came'}, {u'transcript': u'by that time perhaps something better Kim'}, {u'transcript': u'but that time perhaps something better can'}, {u'transcript': u'by that time perhaps something better come'}], u'final': True}



import speech_recognition as sr
from import wavfile

r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.WavFile(target0_path) as source:
    audio = r.record(source)
list = r.recognize_google(audio, None, "en-US", True)


Tags: truebyifthattimehavesomethingtomorrow