
2024-09-30 03:23:12 发布

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  1. 有人能帮我对齐数据框吗?在
  2. 这是正确的方法来做这准备沿三维绘图吗?在

enter image description here


# for 2015
Grave Crimes    Cases Recorded  Mistake of Law fact
Abduction       725             3
Kidnapping      246             6
Arson           466             1
Mischief        436             1
House Breaking  12707           21
Grievous Hurt   1299            3

# for 2016
Grave Crimes    Cases Recorded  Mistake of Law fact
Abduction       738             4
Kidnapping      297             9
Arson           486             4
Mischief        394             1
House Breaking  10287           14
Grievous Hurt   1205            0

# for 2017
Grave Crimes    Cases Recorded  Mistake of Law fact
Abduction       647             2
Kidnapping      251             10
Arson           418             3
Mischief        424             0
House Breaking  8913            12
Grievous Hurt   1075            1

Tags: of数据forhousefactcaseslawrecorded


pnl = pd.Panel({2015: df15, 2016: df16, 2017: df17})



example of a 3D-plot of your data


即使一个数据集是3维或更高维的结构,创建一个设计良好的二维图通常也是一个不错的选择。3D通常会吸引眼球,但为了告知目标受众并显示数据的某些属性,您几乎可以使用2d。考虑到这一点,Ami Tavory的方法将是更好的方法,因为数据结构更易于处理:

df15['year'] = 2015
df16['year'] = 2016
df17['year'] = 2017
df = pd.concat([df15, df16, df17]).set_index(['Grave Crimes', 'year'])

f, ax = plt.subplots(1)
for i, y in enumerate(range(2015, 2018)):
    data = df.groupby('year').get_group(y)['Cases Recorded']
    ax.bar(np.arange(6)+.2*i, data.values, width=.2, label=str(y))
ax.set_xticklabels(data.index, rotation=15)

example for 2D-plot of your data

虽然面板允许添加维度,但层次索引是一种更常见的替代方法。E、 g.,来自Python Data Science Handbook

While Pandas does provide Panel and Panel4D objects that natively handle three-dimensional and four-dimensional data (see Aside: Panel Data), a far more common pattern in practice is to make use of hierarchical indexing (also known as multi-indexing) to incorporate multiple index levels within a single index. In this way, higher-dimensional data can be compactly represented within the familiar one-dimensional Series and two-dimensional DataFrame objects.


I have 12 dataframes of the same shape for 12 years of data collection. I need to use this as a panel to to plot the various column values across the time series axis (years).


df_2015['year'] = 2015
df_2016['year'] = 2016
df_2017['year'] = 2017
df = pd.concat([df_2015, df_2016, df_2017]).set_index(['Grave Crimes', 'year'])



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