
2024-09-22 10:17:21 发布

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事实上,我对这两种方法的尝试都失败了,可能是不正确的实现,除了我用过的一个测试np.哪里. 这向我展示了我的for循环/计算有多糟糕。在


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as date
import itertools

def points(row):
val = 0
if row['Ob2'] > 0.5:
    foo = row['Ob3'] - row['Ob1']
    if foo < 0.1:
        val = 1 - foo
    val = 0
return val

print("Start: "+ str(

player_list = ['player' + str(x) for x in range(1,71)]

data = pd.DataFrame({'Names': player_list*1000,\
                   'Ob1' : np.random.rand(70000),\
                   'Ob2' : np.random.rand(70000) ,\
                   'Ob3' : np.random.rand(70000)})

#create list of unique pairs
comboNames = list(itertools.combinations(data.Names.unique(), 2))

#create a data frame dictionary to store your data frames
DataFrameDict = {elem : pd.DataFrame for elem in comboNames}

for key in DataFrameDict.keys():
    DataFrameDict[key] = data[:][data.Names.isin(key)]
    DataFrameDict[key] = DataFrameDict[key].sort_values(['Ob1'])

print("DF fill: "+ str(

#Add test calculated column
for tbl in DataFrameDict:
    DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'] = DataFrameDict[tbl].apply(points, axis=1) #Slow loop
    #example vectorised, hugh dif is run time
    #DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'] = np.where((DataFrameDict[tbl]['Ob2']>0.5),1,0)

print("Calc'd: "+ str(

headers = ['Player1','Player2','Score','Count']
summary = pd.DataFrame(([tbl[0], tbl[1], DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'].sum(),
                      DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'].astype(bool).sum(axis=0)] for tbl in DataFrameDict),
                      columns=headers).sort_values(['Score'], ascending=[False])

print("Fin: "+ str(







Tags: keyinimportfordatadatetimedatenp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as date
import itertools

player_list = ['player' + str(x) for x in range(1,71)]

data = pd.DataFrame({'Names': player_list*1000,\
                   'Ob1' : np.random.rand(70000),\
                   'Ob2' : np.random.rand(70000) ,\
                   'Ob3' : np.random.rand(70000)})

data['Test'] = np.where(data['Ob2'] > 0.5, np.where(data['Ob3'] - data['Ob1'] < 0.1, 1 - (data['Ob3'] - data['Ob1']), 0), 0)

comboNames = list(itertools.combinations(data.Names.unique(), 2))
DataFrameDict = {elem : pd.DataFrame for elem in comboNames}

for key in DataFrameDict.keys():
    DataFrameDict[key] = data[:][data.Names.isin(key)]
    DataFrameDict[key] = DataFrameDict[key].sort_values(['Ob1'])

headers = ['Player1','Player2','Score','Count']
summary = pd.DataFrame(([tbl[0], tbl[1], DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'].sum(),
                      DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'].astype(bool).sum(axis=0)] for tbl in DataFrameDict),
                      columns=headers).sort_values(['Score'], ascending=[False])


使用%%timeit时,每个循环得到26.2 s±1.15 s(平均值±标准偏差,7次运行,每个循环1次)






然后,我使用了itertools组合,并将其作为自己的数据帧,称为summary。然后,我将summary df的player1和player2列与原始df中的names列合并。在





player_list = ['player' + str(x) for x in range(1,71)]

data = pd.DataFrame({'Names': player_list*10,\
                    'Ob1' : np.random.rand(700),\
                    'Ob2' : np.random.rand(700) ,\
                    'Ob3' : np.random.rand(700)})


      Names    Ob1         Ob2         Ob3
0   player1 0.548814    0.373216    0.313591
1   player2 0.715189    0.222864    0.365539
2   player3 0.602763    0.080532    0.201267
3   player4 0.544883    0.085311    0.487148
4   player5 0.423655    0.221396    0.990369


def points(row):
    val = 0
    if row['Ob2'] > 0.5:
        foo = row['Ob3'] - row['Ob1']
        if foo < 0.1:
            val = 1 - foo
        val = 0
    return val

#create list of unique pairs
comboNames = list(itertools.combinations(data.Names.unique(), 2))
DataFrameDict = {elem : pd.DataFrame for elem in comboNames}

for key in DataFrameDict.keys():
    DataFrameDict[key] = data[:][data.Names.isin(key)]
    DataFrameDict[key] = DataFrameDict[key].sort_values(['Ob1'])

#Add test calculated column
for tbl in DataFrameDict:
    DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'] = DataFrameDict[tbl].apply(points, axis=1)

DataFrameDict[('player1', 'player2')].head()

     Names     Ob1        Ob2          Ob3     Test
351 player2 0.035362    0.013509    0.384273    0.0
630 player1 0.062636    0.305047    0.571550    0.0
561 player2 0.133461    0.758194    0.964210    0.0
211 player2 0.216897    0.056877    0.417333    0.0
631 player2 0.241902    0.557987    0.983555    0.0


DataFrameDict[('player1', 'player2')]['Test'].sum()



data['test'] = np.where(data['Ob2'] > 0.5, np.where(data['Ob3'] - data['Ob1'] < 0.1, 1 - (data['Ob3'] - data['Ob1']), 0), 0)

def ScoreAndCount(row):
    score = row.sum()
    count = row.astype(bool).sum()
    return score, count

df = data.groupby('Names')['test'].apply(ScoreAndCount).reset_index()
df = pd.concat([df['Names'], df.test.apply(pd.Series).rename(columns = {0: 'Score', 1:'Count'})], axis = 1)

summary = pd.DataFrame(itertools.combinations(data.Names.unique(), 2), columns = ['Player1', 'Player2'])
summary = summary.merge(df, left_on = 'Player1', right_on = 'Names')\
                 .merge(df, left_on = 'Player2', right_on = 'Names')\
                 .drop(columns = ['Names_x', 'Names_y'])

summary['Score'] = summary['Score_x'] + summary['Score_y']
summary['Count'] = summary['Count_x'] + summary['Count_y']
summary.drop(columns = ['Score_x','Count_x', 'Score_y','Count_y'], inplace = True)
summary = summary.sort_values('Score', ascending = False)


summary[(summary['Player1'] == 'player1')&(summary['Player2'] == 'player2')]

    Player1 Player2   Score    Count
0   player1 player2 8.077455    6.0



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as date
import itertools
import numba

def points(a,b,c):
    val = 0
    if b > 0.5:
        foo = c - a
        if foo < 0.1:
            val = 1 - foo
        val = 0
    return val

player_list = ['player' + str(x) for x in range(1,71)]

data = pd.DataFrame({'Names': player_list*1000,\
                   'Ob1' : np.random.rand(70000),\
                   'Ob2' : np.random.rand(70000) ,\
                   'Ob3' : np.random.rand(70000)})

data['Test'] = points(data['Ob1'].values,data['Ob2'].values,data['Ob3'].values)
data = data.sort_values(['Ob1'])

comboNames = list(itertools.combinations(data.Names.unique(), 2))
DataFrameDict = {elem : data.loc[data.Names.isin(elem)] for elem in comboNames}

headers = ['Player1','Player2','Score','Count']
summary = pd.DataFrame(([tbl[0], tbl[1], DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'].sum(),
                      DataFrameDict[tbl]['Test'].astype(bool).sum(axis=0)] for tbl in DataFrameDict),
                      columns=headers).sort_values(['Score'], ascending=[False])

每个回路8.52 s±204 ms(7次运行的平均值±标准偏差,每个回路1次)



(a_df['Ob2'] > 0.5) & (a_df['Ob3'] - a_df['Ob1'] < 0.01)

在这种情况下,将值1 - x['Ob3'] + x['Ob1']分配给Test列。其他所有操作都将0分配给Test。所以,让我们将新列Test分配给每个a_df。然后,只过滤符合上述条件的行,以缩小数据集的范围并为此子集设置新值。最后,将这个子集Test列值更新回一个_df['Test'],并将其分配回DataFrameDict字典。所以,你的for循环将变成:




In [1288]: DataFrameDict[('player65', 'player67')]
          Names       Ob1       Ob2       Ob3      Test
61456  player67  0.000271  0.686051  0.729086  0.000000
25824  player65  0.001281  0.505552  0.296550  0.000000
25544  player65  0.001398  0.770805  0.471477  0.000000
65864  player65  0.001999  0.147407  0.291841  0.000000
33104  player65  0.002661  0.254329  0.126290  0.000000
42554  player65  0.003172  0.529603  0.181796  0.000000
28064  player65  0.003663  0.227429  0.558233  0.000000
24844  player65  0.005517  0.096817  0.710771  0.000000
2584   player65  0.005974  0.338904  0.582034  0.000000
42694  player65  0.005996  0.171637  0.765277  0.000000
6154   player65  0.006126  0.181239  0.295149  0.000000
65234  player65  0.008386  0.180613  0.994273  0.000000
5034   player65  0.008921  0.013060  0.305063  0.000000
21766  player67  0.010950  0.590966  0.481547  0.000000
53054  player65  0.010957  0.731794  0.262754  0.000000
15956  player67  0.010996  0.046718  0.153172  0.000000
36046  player67  0.011634  0.250039  0.064184  0.000000
50394  player65  0.011835  0.995986  0.834281  0.000000
64326  player67  0.011974  0.499262  0.745194  0.000000
30236  player67  0.013029  0.101714  0.143509  0.000000
23374  player65  0.014865  0.158185  0.575582  0.000000
1256   player67  0.014915  0.938301  0.629850  0.000000
10216  player67  0.015122  0.450750  0.137085  0.000000
21904  player65  0.016372  0.147897  0.786882  0.000000
34854  player65  0.016603  0.513692  0.676243  0.000000
33806  player67  0.016820  0.063896  0.577731  0.000000
29816  player67  0.017565  0.060496  0.151780  0.000000
6924   player65  0.017652  0.121581  0.117512  0.000000
39126  player67  0.017990  0.516819  0.663672  0.000000
39896  player67  0.018085  0.031526  0.075832  0.000000
...         ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
61526  player67  0.985386  0.512073  0.754241  1.231145
48926  player67  0.985504  0.007080  0.671456  0.000000
16234  player65  0.985775  0.846647  0.998181  0.000000
12736  player67  0.985846  0.283997  0.667314  0.000000
47874  player65  0.986084  0.052026  0.508918  0.000000
29886  player67  0.986655  0.998440  0.068136  1.918518
49416  player67  0.986706  0.833053  0.182814  1.803892
42486  player67  0.986797  0.608128  0.136219  1.850578
55644  player65  0.987796  0.215898  0.561002  0.000000
1814   player65  0.987935  0.324954  0.525433  0.000000
7554   player65  0.988910  0.664914  0.674546  1.314365
59774  player65  0.989147  0.235214  0.913588  0.000000
58444  player65  0.989467  0.645191  0.533468  1.455999
62856  player67  0.989470  0.523544  0.302838  1.686632
48646  player67  0.990588  0.522521  0.201132  1.789456
11336  player67  0.990629  0.932360  0.756544  1.234085
31774  player65  0.990881  0.981641  0.943824  1.047057
18964  player65  0.992287  0.808989  0.948321  1.043967
14486  player67  0.992909  0.437701  0.484678  0.000000
12246  player67  0.994027  0.542903  0.234830  1.759197
33596  player67  0.994257  0.949055  0.098368  1.895889
6436   player67  0.994661  0.444211  0.572136  0.000000
4194   player65  0.995022  0.721113  0.584195  1.410826
42696  player67  0.995065  0.516103  0.918737  1.076328
51026  player67  0.995864  0.877335  0.516737  1.479127
14136  player67  0.997691  0.134021  0.913969  0.000000
47664  player65  0.998051  0.628051  0.722695  1.275357
55924  player65  0.998079  0.828749  0.151217  1.846863
18474  player65  0.998780  0.200990  0.098713  0.000000
41296  player67  0.998884  0.167139  0.504899  0.000000

[2000 rows x 5 columns]

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