
2024-09-24 02:14:46 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我有2本txt格式的书(6000多行)。我想用Python将每个单词的相关性(使用td-idf算法)关联起来,并按降序排列。 我试过这个密码

#- * -coding: utf - 8 - * -
    from __future__
import division, unicode_literals
import math
from textblob
import TextBlob as tb

def tf(word, blob):
    return blob.words.count(word) / len(blob.words)

def n_containing(word, bloblist):
    return sum(1
        for blob in bloblist
        if word in blob)

def idf(word, bloblist):
    return math.log(len(bloblist) / (1 + n_containing(word, bloblist)))

def tfidf(word, blob, bloblist):
    return tf(word, blob) * idf(word, bloblist)

document1 = tb(""
document2 = tb(""

bloblist = [document1, document2]
for i, blob in enumerate(bloblist):
    with open("result.txt", 'w') as textfile:
    print("Top words in document {}".format(i + 1))
scores = {
    word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words
sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
for word, score in sorted_words:
    textfile.write("Word: {}, TF-IDF: {}".format(word, round(score, 5)) + "\n")

我在这里发现的有一些变化,但这需要很多时间,几分钟后,它会崩溃说TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, float found。 为什么?在


有没有办法修复Python代码? 或者,你能建议我另一个tf-idf实现,它能正确地实现我想要的功能吗?在

Tags: infromimporttxtforreturntfdef