
2024-10-01 13:41:29 发布

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# build a network of followedUsers
followedUsersGraph = nx.Graph()

# followedUsersSorted is a Pandas series of handles followed with userid
# as the id and the number of users from the set following as the value
for i, user in enumerate(followedUsersSorted.iteritems()):
    followedUsersGraph.node[i]['user'] = str(user[0])
    followedUsersGraph.node[i]['weight'] = int(user[1])

# followedUsersMatrix is a Pandas DataFrame acting as a binary matrix
# with rows of given users and columns of followed handles
# convert the column labels to node ids
followedUsersMatrix.columns = range(len(followedUsersMatrix.columns))

# convert the matrix into tuple of edge tuples w/ weight
edgeTuples = []
for _, vector in followedUsersMatrix.iterrows():
    # each user from the set can only provide a total weight of 1
    # the more handles they follow the less weight they contribute to the edge
    edges = [t for t in combinations(vector[vector != 0].index, 2)]
    weight = 1.0/len(edges)
    edgeTuples.extend([(edge, weight) for edge in edges])

# add the edges to the graph incrementing the weight for repeated edges
for edge, weight in edgeTuples:
    if followedUsersGraph.has_edge(*edge):
        followedUsersGraph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] += weight
        followedUsersGraph.add_edge(*edge, weight = weight)

nx.write_gexf(followedUsersGraph, 'fug.gexf')

Tags: oftheinnodefor节点句柄weight