
2024-09-29 01:22:53 发布

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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
stats = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0,10))

stats['Acct Val'] = 0.0
stats['Shares'] = 0.0
stats['Stock Px'] = pd.Series([23,25,24,26,22,23,25,25,26,24],index=stats.index)
# Wgt is the percentage of the account value that should be invested in the stock on a given day
stats['Wgt'] = pd.Series([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.3,0.4,0.4,0.2,0.2,0.0,],index=stats.index)
stats['Daily PNL'] = 0.0
# Start the account value at $10,000.00
stats.ix[0:1, 'Acct Val'] = 10000.0
stats.ix[0:1, 'Wgt'] = 0
for date_loc in range(2, len(stats.index)):
    # Keep shares the same unless 'wgt' column changes
    if stats.at[date_loc,'Wgt'] != stats.at[date_loc-1,'Wgt']:
        # Rebalanced shares are based on the acct value and stock price two days before
        stats.at[date_loc,'Shares'] = stats.at[date_loc-2,'Acct Val'] * stats.at[date_loc,'Wgt'] / stats.at[date_loc-2,'Stock Px']
        stats.at[date_loc,'Shares'] = stats.at[date_loc-1,'Shares']
    # Daily PNL is simply the shares owned on a day times the change in stock price from the previous day to the next
    stats.at[date_loc,'Daily PNL'] = stats.at[date_loc,'Shares'] * (stats.at[date_loc,'Stock Px'] - stats.at[date_loc-1,'Stock Px'])
    # Acct value is yesterday's acct value plus today's PNL
    stats.at[date_loc,'Acct Val'] = stats.at[date_loc-1,'Acct Val'] + stats.at[date_loc,'Daily PNL']

In [44]: stats
       Acct Val      Shares  Stock Px  Wgt   Daily PNL
0  10000.000000    0.000000        23  0.0    0.000000
1  10000.000000    0.000000        25  0.0    0.000000
2   9782.608696  217.391304        24  0.5 -217.391304
3  10217.391304  217.391304        26  0.5  434.782609
4   9728.260870  122.282609        22  0.3 -489.130435
5   9885.451505  157.190635        23  0.4  157.190635
6  10199.832776  157.190635        25  0.4  314.381271
7  10199.832776   85.960448        25  0.2    0.000000
8  10285.793224   85.960448        26  0.2   85.960448
9  10285.793224    0.000000        24  0.0   -0.000000

In [45]:




Tags: thedateindexvaluestatsstockvalloc
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 01:22:53
def function1(df_row):
    [stuff you want to do when Wgt changed]

def function2(df_row):
    [stuff you want to do when Wgt did not change]

#Find where the Wgt column changes
stats['WgtChanged']=stats.Wgt.diff() > 0
#Using boolean indexing, choose all rows where Wgt changed and apply a function
stats[stats['WgtChanged']].apply(function1, axis=1)
#Likewise, for rows where Wgt did not change
stats[~stats['WgtChanged']].apply(function2, axis=1)

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