我试图只打印选定数量的Pi,它返回错误“Decimal has no attribute:\uugetitem”__

2024-09-30 14:31:00 发布

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def pi():
    prompt=">>> "
    print "\nWARNING: Pi may take some time to be calculated and may not always be correct beyond 100 digits."
    print "\nShow Pi to what digit?"
    from decimal import Decimal, localcontext
    with localcontext() as ctx:
        ctx.prec = 10000
        pi = Decimal(0) 
        for k in range(350): 
            pi += (Decimal(4)/(Decimal(8)*k+1) - Decimal(2)/(Decimal(8)*k+4) - Decimal(1)/(Decimal(8)*k+5) - Decimal(1)/(Decimal(8)*k+6)) / Decimal(16)**k
    print pi[:int(n)]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/patrickcook/Documents/Pi", line 13, in <module>
  File "/Users/patrickcook/Documents/Pi", line 12, in pi
    print pi[:int(n)]
TypeError: 'Decimal' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Tags: toinpibeuserspromptmayfile


''' The Salamin / Brent / Gauss Arithmetic-Geometric Mean pi formula.

    Let A[0] = 1, B[0] = 1/Sqrt(2)

    Then iterate from 1 to 'n'.
    A[n] = (A[n-1] + B[n-1])/2
    B[n] = Sqrt(A[n-1]*B[n-1])
    C[n] = (A[n-1]-B[n-1])/2

    PI[n] = 4A[n+1]^2 / (1-(Sum (for j=1 to n; 2^(j+1))*C[j]^2))

    See http://stackoverflow.com/q/26477866/4014959

    Written by PM 2Ring 2008.10.19
    Converted to use Decimal 2014.10.21
    Converted to Python 3 2018.07.17

import sys
from decimal import Decimal as D, getcontext, ROUND_DOWN

def AGM_pi(m):
    a, b = D(1), D(2).sqrt() / 2
    s, k = D(0), D(4)

    for i in range(m):
        c = (a - b) / 2
        a, b = (a + b) / 2, (a * b).sqrt()

        s += k * c * c

        #In case we want to see intermediate results
        #if False:
            #pi = 4 * a * a / (1 - s)
            #print("%2d:\n%s\n" % (i, pi))
        k *= 2
    return 4 * a * a / (1 - s)

def main():
    prec = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 50

    #Add 1 for the digit before the decimal point,
    #plus a few more to compensate for rounding errors.
    #delta == 7 handles the Feynman point, which has six 9s followed by an 8
    delta = 3
    prec += 1 + delta

    ctx = getcontext()
    ctx.prec = prec

    #The precision of the AGM value doubles on every loop
    pi = AGM_pi(prec.bit_length())

    #Round down so all printed digits are (usually) correct
    ctx.rounding = ROUND_DOWN
    ctx.prec -= delta
    print("pi ~=\n%s" % +pi)

if __name__ == '__main__':



print str(pi)[:int(n)+1]   # ignore decimal point in digit count.





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