
2024-09-25 08:40:48 发布

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This is the equation i'm trying to use in the while loop这是我的输出图片:

enter image description here

inptTol = float(input("Enter the tolerance: "))

term = 1
divNum = 3
npower = 1
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0

while abs(term) > inptTol:
    sumPi += term
    term = -term/(divNum * (3**npower))
    divNum += 2
    npower += 1
    count += 1

sumPi = math.sqrt(12) * sumPi  
pythonPi = math.pi  
approxError = abs (sumPi - pythonPi)  

print("The approximate value of pi is %.14e\n" \
        "       Python's value of pi is %.14e\n"
        "The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
        "The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
        (sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))  







Tags: oftheisvaluecountpiabsprint

我想你错过了signal。显然你试过这么做,但是改变了上一个学期的信号,并在下一个学期使用它。 看我的代码,我试着像他一样。你怎么认为?在

import math
inptTol = float(input("The tolerance: "))

signal = 1.0
term = 1.0
divNum = 3.0
npower = 1.0
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0.0

while inptTol < abs(term):
    signal *= -1.0
    sumPi += term
    term = signal / (divNum * (3.0 ** npower))
    divNum += 2.0
    npower += 1.0
    count += 1.0

sumPi *= math.sqrt(12.0)
pythonPi = math.pi  
approxError = abs(sumPi - pythonPi)  

print("The approximate value of pi is %.14f\n" \
        "       Python's value of pi is %.14f\n"
        "The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
        "The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
        (sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))


term = -term/(divNum * (3**npower))

假设term当前是{}。此行不会将term设置为1/(5 * 3**2);它将term设置为1/(3*3) / (5 * 3**2)。你减少的term比你想象的要多。在



import math

terms_number = float(input("Enter terms number: "))

sign = 1
divNum = 1
npower = 0
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0

for x in range(terms_number):

    sumPi += sign/(divNum * (3**npower))

    # values for next term
    sign = -sign
    divNum += 2
    npower += 1
    count += 1

sumPi = math.sqrt(12) * sumPi  
pythonPi = math.pi  
approxError = abs (sumPi - pythonPi)  

print("The approximate value of pi is %.14e\n" \
        "       Python's value of pi is %.14e\n"
        "The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
        "The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
        (sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))




The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265952171e+00
       Python's value of pi is 3.14159265358979e+00
The error in the approximation of pi is 5.931921e-09
The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is 15


import math

inptTol = float(input("Enter the tolerance: "))
term = 1

sign = 1
divNum = 1
npower = 0
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0

while abs(term) > inptTol:

    term = sign/(divNum * (3**npower))

    sumPi += term

    # values for next term
    sign = -sign
    divNum += 2
    npower += 1
    count += 1

sumPi = math.sqrt(12) * sumPi  
pythonPi = math.pi  
approxError = abs (sumPi - pythonPi)  

print("The approximate value of pi is %.14e\n" \
        "       Python's value of pi is %.14e\n"
        "The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
        "The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
        (sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))

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