
2024-06-14 19:54:58 发布

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以美国宇航局为例,试图得到行星的固定状态。 ftp://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/toolkit_docs/FORTRAN/spicelib/tipbod.html

TIPBOD用于将J2000惯性坐标系中的位置转换为固定坐标系下的状态。 TIPM=TIPBOD('J2000',车身,ET)

然后将位置(状态的前三个元素)转换为固定坐标。什么是国家? BDPOS=MXVG(TIPM,POSTN)


Targ = 399 (Earth)
et = spice.str2et(indate)
TIPM = spice.tipbod( "J2000", Targ, et )  
BDPOS = spice.mxvg(TIPM, POSTN, BDPOS )


Tags: 状态ftpjpl行星etspice坐标系naif




from astropy.time import Time
from spiceypy import spiceypy as spice

# create a time
t = Time('2010-03-19 11:09:00', format='iso')

# put in spice format - this may require a leap seconds kernel to be
# downloaded, e.g. download https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/lsk/naif0012.tls
# and then load it with spice.furnsh('naif0012.tls')
et = spice.str2et(t.iso)

# get the transformation matrix - this may require a kernel to be
# downloaded, e.g. download https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc
# and then load it with spice.furnsh('pck00010.tpc')
target = 399 # Earth
TIPM = spice.tipbod( "J2000", target, et )

# get the position that you want to convert
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, ICRS
ra = Angle('12:32:12.23', unit='hourangle')
dec= Angle('-01:23:52.21', unit='deg')

# make an ICRS object (you can also input a proper motion as a radial velocity or using 'pm_dec' and 'pm_ra_cosdec' keyword arguments)
sc = ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec)

# get position in xyz
xyz = sc.cartesian.xyz.value

# perform conversion to body centred frame
newpos = spice.mxvg(TIPM, xyz, 3, 3)

# convert to latitude and longitude
scnew = SkyCoord(x=newpos[0], y=newpos[1], z=newpos[2], representation_type='cartesian')

# print out new RA and dec
print(scnew.spherical.lon, scnew.spherical.lat)



#Saturn Tilt Negative rotation
    Targ = 699
    TIPM = spice.tipbod( "J2000", Targ, et )   
    Radius, Long, lat = spice.reclat(TIPM[0])
    fy = r2d * Long
    if fy < 0.0:
        fy = fy + 360.0 #if degrees/radians are negative, add 360
    #print 'X Longitude  = ' +str(fy)

    Radius, Long, lat = spice.reclat(TIPM[1])
    fy = r2d * Long
    if fy < 0.0:
        fy = fy + 360.0
    #print 'Y Longitude = ' +str(fy)

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