USACO 2016负载均衡优化算法

2024-05-05 01:14:58 发布

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这个问题出现在USACO 2016年2月铜牌比赛(问题3)

Farmer John's NN cows are each standing at distinct locations (x1,y1)…(xn,yn) on his two-dimensional farm (1 ≤ N ≤ 100), and the xi's and yi's are positive odd integers of size at most B). FJ wants to partition his field by building a long (effectively infinite-length) north-south fence with equation x=a (a will be an even integer, thus ensuring that he does not build the fence through the position of any cow). He also wants to build a long (effectively infinite-length) east-west fence with equation y=b, where b is an even integer. These two fences cross at the point (a,b), and together they partition his field into four regions.

FJ wants to choose a and b so that the cows appearing in the four resulting regions are reasonably "balanced", with no region containing too many cows. Letting M be the maximum number of cows appearing in one of the four regions, FJ wants to make M as small as possible. Please help him determine this smallest possible value for M.

For the first five test cases, B is guaranteed to be at most 100. In all test cases, B is guaranteed to be at most 1,000,000.




fin = open('', 'r');
fout = open('balancing.out', 'w');
xcows = [];
ycows = []
mincows = 10000;
N, B = map(int, fin.readline().split());
for i in range(N):
    x1, y1 = map(int, fin.readline().split());

xlow,ylow,xhigh,yhigh = 0,0,0,0;

xmedian = -1;
xxcows = sorted(xcows)
yycows = sorted(ycows)
if len(xxcows)%2==0:
    med = len(xxcows)//2;
    xmedian = int(xxcows[med] + xxcows[med-1])//2;
    med = len(xxcows)//2;
    xmedian = xxcows[med];
xlow = (xmedian//2)-1;
xhigh = (xmedian//2)+1;

ymedian = -1;
if len(yycows)%2==0:
    med = len(yycows)//2;
    ymedian = int(yycows[med] + yycows[med-1])//2;
    med = len(yycows)//2;
    ymedian = yycows[med];

ylow = (ymedian//2)-1;
yhigh = (ymedian//2)+1;

for xx in range(xlow-1, xhigh+2):
    for yy in range(ylow-1, yhigh+2):
        #place boundary at x = xx and y = yy and count cows in each quadrant
        q1, q2, q3, q4 = 0, 0, 0, 0;
        for q in range(len(xcows)):
            if xcows[q] < xx*2 and ycows[q] > yy*2:
            elif xcows[q] > xx*2 and ycows[q] > yy*2:
            elif xcows[q] < xx*2 and ycows[q] < yy*2:
            elif xcows[q] > xx*2 and ycows[q] < yy*2:
        mini = max(q1, q2, q3, q4);
        if mincows > mini:
            mincows = mini;



Tags: andthetoinforlenmedat

该方法不依赖于B的大小,仅依赖于牛的数量,N为每席尝试将N S线设为席1。对于每一个彝族,试着在彝-1上画一条东西线。因为最多有100头奶牛,最多也就有1万箱可供尝试。在

import itertools as it

# your code for reading cow data goes here

for xx, yy in it.product(xcows, ycows):
    counts = [0,0,0,0]
    for x,y in cows:
        ew = 0 if x < xx else 2
        ns = 0 if y < yy else 1
        counts[ew + ns] += 1

    mini = max(counts)

# rest of you code goes here



from collections import deque

def calc_score(ew_fence, ns_fence):
    cnts = [0,0,0,0]
    for cow in cows:
        i = (0 if cow[1] < ew_fence else 2) + (0 if cow[0] < ns_fence else 1)
        cnts[i] += 1
    return max(cnts)

def solve2(cows):
    xs,ys = zip(*cows)

    xs = sorted(x-1 for x in set(xs))
    ix = len(xs)//2

    ys = sorted(y-1 for y in set(ys))
    iy = len(ys)//2

    #print("Initial score = {} at ix,iy = ({},{})".format(calc_score(xs[ix],ys[iy]), ix, iy))

    seen = set([(ix, iy)])

    queue = deque([(ix, iy)])

    best_score, best_ix, best_iy = calc_score(xs[ix],ys[iy]), ix, iy

    while queue:
        ix, iy = queue.pop()
        #print("checking near: ix,iy = ({}, {})".format(ix, iy))

        for dx,dy in ((-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1),
                      (-1, 0),         (1, 0),
                      (-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1)):

            nx, ny = ix + dx, iy + dy

            if (nx,ny) in seen: 
                #print("\t({},{}) - seen".format(nx, ny))

            seen.add((nx, ny))
            score = calc_score(xs[nx], ys[ny])

            if score < best_score:
                best_score, best_ix, best_iy = score, nx, ny
                #print("\t({},{}) - new best score = {}".format(best_ix, best_iy, best_score))

            if score == best_score:
                queue.append((nx, ny))
                #print("\t({},{}) = enqueue".format(nx, ny))

    #print("\nbest score = {} at ix,iy = ({},{}) = grid coords ({},{})".format(
    #        best_score, best_ix, best_iy, xs[best_ix], ys[best_iy]))

    return best_score, (xs[best_ix], ys[best_iy])

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