
2024-07-03 05:54:39 发布

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我正在开发基于微软论文Whiteboard scanning and image enhancement的自动图像增强



1. "Divide the whiteboard region into rectangular cells. The cell size should be roughly the same as what we expect the size of a single character on the board (15 by 15 pixels in our implementation)."


2. "Sort the pixels in each cell by their luminance values. Since the ink absorbs the incident light, the luminance of the whiteboard pixels is higher than stroke pixels’. The whiteboard color within the cell is, therefore, the color with the highest luminance. In practice, we average the colors of the pixels in the top 25 percentile in order to reduce the error introduced by sensor noise"


3. "Filter the colors of the cells by locally fitting a plane in the RGB space. Occasionally there are cells that are entirely covered by pen strokes, the cell color computed in Step 2 is consequently incorrect. Those colors are rejected as outliers by the locally fitted plane and are replaced by the interpolated values from its neighbors."






import cv2
import numpy as np

## Return List of cells from a given Image
def SubImage(image):
    Cells = []
    CellRows = []
    for i in range(0,rows/CellSize):
        subIm = image[i*CellSize:(i+1)*CellSize,:]
    for img in CellRows:
        for i in range(0,cols/CellSize):
            subIm = img[:,i*CellSize:(i+1)*CellSize]
    return Cells

## Sort luminosity Value
def GetLuminance(Cells):
    luminance = []
    for cel in Cells:
    return luminance

## Estimate the background color of the white board
def UniformBackground(CelImage,img,luminance):
    a = 0

    for c in range(0,len(CelImage)):
        cel = CelImage[c]
        for i in range(0,cel.shape[0]):
            for j in range(0, cel.shape[1]):
                cel[i,j] = min(1,cel[i,j]/ luminance[c])
    for i in range(0,rows/CellSize):
        for j in range(0,cols/CellSize):
            img[i*CellSize:(i+1)*CellSize,j*CellSize:(j+1)*CellSize] = CelImage[a]
            a = a + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    img = cv2.imread('4.png')
    CellSize = 15
    rows,cols,depth = img.shape

    if (rows%CellSize !=0):
        rows = rows - rows%CellSize

    if (cols%CellSize !=0):
        cols = cols - cols%CellSize

    yuvImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
    # Get cells from Y channel
    CellsY = SubImage(yuvImg[:,:,0])
    CellsB = SubImage(img[:,:,0])
    CellsG = SubImage(img[:,:,1])
    CellsR = SubImage(img[:,:,2])

    # Get Luminance From Y cells
    LuminanceY = GetLuminance(CellsY)

    # Uniform Background
    UniformBackground(CellsB, img[:,:,0], LuminanceY)
    UniformBackground(CellsG, img[:,:,1], LuminanceY)
    UniformBackground(CellsR,img[:,:,2], LuminanceY)

    #bgrImg = cv2.cvtColor(imgB, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    #print imgB


white Board image


Output image


expected Output

Tags: oftheinimgforbyrangecv2
temp = cel[i,j]/luminance[c]
if temp > thresh : ##Let thresh be 0.7
   cel[i,j] = 255 

亮度值越大的Cel被转换为白色,其他Cel保持原样。The output of the image with uniform background


  1. "Sort the pixels in each cell by their luminance values"

是的,您必须将图像转换为其他具有亮度分量的颜色空间,例如Lab color space。在

... In practice, we average the colors of the pixels in the top 25 percentile in order to reduce the error introduced by sensor noise


Filter the colors of the cells by locally fitting a plane in the RGB space

现在回到RBG空间。如你所见,白板随着时间的推移越来越暗。 如果您将白板像素RGB颜色绘制为轴为R、G和B的3d世界中的3d点,您将得到近似于平面的散射(因为所有这些白板颜色都带有灰色色调)。现在,获取在上一步中标记为“白板”的点,并为它们安装一个平面。 如何安装飞机?你可以使用像this这样的最小二乘法,但从他们在文章中的写法来看,我认为他们已经考虑到了兰萨克。在

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