树莓皮Python和Flask网络控制与Adafruit DotStar LED

2024-09-30 22:28:14 发布

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我需要控制一个Adafruit DotStar lightstrip与一个烧瓶网络浏览器应用程序。我已经能够让flask应用程序工作,我已经做了一个简单的概念证明,打开和关闭一个LED等,我可以启动我的lightstrip脚本,但我试图运行的代码,为lightstrip需要不断循环,仍然能够改变“模式”。我有几个不同的图像显示在光带上,我想能够选择哪个(s)正在播放,但目前主要我只想能够启动和停止“shuffle all”模式。如果我在while循环中运行模块,它将永远循环,并且我不能将参数更改为不同的“mode”。我基于Adafruit的DotStar库构建了一个简单的脚本(特别是vision脚本的图像持久性,我只是使用PNG图像作为不同lightstrip“显示”的地图)。在




import Image
from dotstar import Adafruit_DotStar
import random

def lightstrip(mode):
    loopLength = 120        #loop length in pixels

    fade  = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/fade.png"
    sparkle = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/sparkle.png"
    steeplechase = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/steeplechase.png"
    bump = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/bump.png"
    spaz = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/spaz.png"
    sine = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/sine.png"
    bounce = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/bounce.png"
    off = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/null.png"

    numpixels = 30
    datapin   = 23
    clockpin  = 24
    strip     = Adafruit_DotStar(numpixels, 100000)

    rOffset = 3
    gOffset = 2
    bOffset = 1


    if mode == 1:
        options = [fade, sparkle, steeplechase, bump, spaz, sine, bounce]
        print "Shuffling All..."
    if mode == 2:
        options = [bump, spaz, sine, bounce]
        print "Shuffling Dance..."
    if mode == 3:
        options = [fade, sparkle, steeplechase]
        print "Shuffling Chill..."
    if mode == 0:
        choice = off
        print "Lightstrip off..."

    if mode != 0:
        choice = random.choice(options)
    print "Loading..."
    img       = Image.open(choice).convert("RGB")
    pixels    = img.load()
    width     = img.size[0]
    height    = img.size[1]
    print "%dx%d pixels" % img.size

    # Calculate gamma correction table, makes mid-range colors look 'right':
    gamma = bytearray(256)
    for i in range(256):
        gamma[i] = int(pow(float(i) / 255.0, 2.7) * 255.0 + 0.5)

    # Allocate list of bytearrays, one for each column of image.
    # Each pixel REQUIRES 4 bytes (0xFF, B, G, R).
    print "Allocating..."
    column = [0 for x in range(width)]
    for x in range(width):
        column[x] = bytearray(height * 4)

    # Convert entire RGB image into column-wise BGR bytearray list.
    # The image-paint.py example proceeds in R/G/B order because it's counting
    # on the library to do any necessary conversion.  Because we're preparing
    # data directly for the strip, it's necessary to work in its native order.
    print "Converting..."
    for x in range(width):          # For each column of image...
        for y in range(height): # For each pixel in column...
            value             = pixels[x, y]    # Read pixel in image
            y4                = y * 4           # Position in raw buffer
            column[x][y4]     = 0xFF            # Pixel start marker
            column[x][y4 + rOffset] = gamma[value[0]] # Gamma-corrected R
            column[x][y4 + gOffset] = gamma[value[1]] # Gamma-corrected G
            column[x][y4 + bOffset] = gamma[value[2]] # Gamma-corrected B

    print "Displaying..."
    count = loopLength
    while (count > 0):

        for x in range(width):         # For each column of image...
            strip.show(column[x])  # Write raw data to strip
            count = count - 1




Tags: inimagehomeforpngmode模式pi
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-30 22:28:14


from flask import Flask
import multiprocessing
import psutil

app = Flask(__name__)

def blink(var):
    while True:
        # do stuff

def task_runner(var):
    processes = psutil.Process().children()
    for p in processes:
    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=blink, args=(var,))

def red():
    return 'red started'

def blue():
    return 'blue started'

if __name__ == "__main__":



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