
2024-09-28 20:43:30 发布

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In [1]: def get_list_of_tuples():
   ...:     return [(i,) for i in range(10**6)]

In [2]: %time res = get_list_of_tuples()
CPU times: user 0.93 s, sys: 0.08 s, total: 1.01 s
Wall time: 0.98 s

In [3]: %timeit res = get_list_of_tuples()
1 loops, best of 3: 92.1 ms per loop


(在IPython 0.11和Python 2.6.5上测试。)

Tags: ofin列表gettime报告时间情况


如果我使用Python 2.6.6和I Python 0.10,那么我会看到与您类似的答案。使用Python2.7.1和iPython0.10.1,我得到了更合理的结果:

% ipython
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov  3 2011, 16:23:57) 
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.10.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

In [1]: def get_list_of_tuples():
   ...:     return [(i,) for i in range(10**6)]

In [2]: %time res = get_list_of_tuples()
CPU times: user 0.25 s, sys: 0.10 s, total: 0.35 s
Wall time: 0.35 s

In [3]: %timeit res = get_list_of_tuples()
1 loops, best of 3: 215 ms per loop



有关一些解释,请参见Python timeit module documentation

主要区别在于“by default, timeit() temporarily turns off garbage collection during the timing”。


In [1]: import timeit

# Garbage collection on.
In [2]: N = 10; timeit.timeit('[(i,) for i in range(10**6)]', 'gc.enable()', number=N) / N
Out[2]: 0.74884700775146484
# 749 ms per loop.

# Garbage collection off.
In [3]: N = 10; timeit.timeit('[(i,) for i in range(10**6)]', number=N) / N
Out[3]: 0.15906109809875488
# 159 ms per loop.

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