
2024-09-27 00:14:02 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我是python新手,在我的一生中,我无法找到为什么或如何没有定义我的函数。这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,我很抱歉,但我真的卡住了,不能测试/修复其余的问题,直到我得到这部分工作。感谢任何帮助。 下面是调用scanner的主类,但我的问题是为什么getChar()没有被调用。堆栈跟踪的最深部分告诉我nextChar=getChar()没有定义。在

from Scanner import scanner
from Constants import *

def main():
  python = scanner()
  token = python.scanner()
  while token.tokenType != END_OF_FILE:
      print(token.tokenType, " ", token.lexeme)
      token = python.scanner()


class TokenRec(object):

def __init__(self, tokenType, lexeme, line, col):
    self.tokenType = tokenType
    self.lexeme = lexeme
    self.line = line
    self.col = col

class scanner():

# Constructor for the Scanner class
def __init__(self):
    self.fileName = input("Enter the file name: ")
    self.infile = open(self.fileName, "r")
    self.fChar = self.infile.read(1)
    self.line = 0
    self.col = 0

# gets the next character out of the file
def getChar():
    nextChar = file.read(1)
    if nextChar == "":
        nextChar = '\34'

    return nextChar

# adds the next character onto the lexeme buffer
def addChar(nextToken, nextChar):
    nextToken.lexeme += nextChar

def isKeyWord(nextChar):

    return True

def isSingleToken(nextChar):

    return True

def isMultiToken(nextChar):

    return True

def scanner(self):

    while True:

        nextToken = TokenRec("","",self.line,self.col)
        nextChar = getChar()
        if nextChar == '\n':
            self.line += 1
        self.col = 0

        if nextChar.isalpha():
            addChar(nextToken, nextChar)
            nextChar = getChar()

            while nextChar != " ":
                nextToken.lexeme += nextChar
                nextChar = getChar()
            if nextChar.issspace():
                if isKeyWord(nextChar):
                    #Part 2
                    nextToken.tokenType = 33

        elif nextChar.isdigit():
            nextToken.lexeme = nextChar
            nextChar = getChar()
            while nextChar != " ":
                nextToken.lexeme += nextChar
                nextChar = getChar()
            nextToken.tokenType = 75

        elif nextChar is '"':
            nextChar = getChar()
            while nextChar != '"':
                nextToken.lexeme += nextChar
                nextChar = getChar()

        elif isSingleToken(nextChar):
            # Part 2

        elif nextChar is '#':

            comment = file.readline()

        elif nextChar is None:
            nextToken.tokenType = 99
            nextToken.lexeme = "END OF FILE"

            print("Character is illegal or unknown")

Tags: theselftokenifdeflinecolscanner

在贴出这篇文章几分钟后,我找到了我的答案。我只需将getChar()定义为扫描仪.getChar(). 如果这不是正确的方法,或者如果我仍然缺少一些东西,请随时提供帮助。在



>>> class foo:
...     @staticmethod
...     def bar():
...             print 'foo+bar = foobar'
>>> bar()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'bar' is not defined
>>> foo().bar()
foo+bar = foobar

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