mma8451加速计提供我的Raspberry Pi osError[Errno 121]遥控器/

2024-09-29 23:27:14 发布

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我的项目是得到一个简单的加速计来打印它的值。 我遵循下面的tutorial:我甚至在/boot/config.txt的末尾添加了dtoverlay=spi1-3cs,以激活另一个硬件SPI端口,因为我正在使用Pi和显示器。在


我已经运行了i2cdetect -y -1。它显示了一个地址为1d的设备


    # Simple demo of reading the MMA8451 orientation every second.
# Author: Tony DiCola
import time

import board
import busio
import adafruit_mma8451
# Initialize I2C bus.
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

# Initialize MMA8451 module.
sensor = adafruit_mma8451.MMA8451(i2c)
# Optionally change the address if it's not the default:
##sensor = adafruit_mma8451.MMA8451(i2c, address=0x1d)

# Main loop to print the acceleration and orientation every second.
while True:
    x, y, z = sensor.acceleration
    print('Acceleration: x={0:0.3f}m/s^2 y={1:0.3f}m/s^2 z={2:0.3f}m/s^2'.format(x, y, z))
    orientation = sensor.orientation

    print('Orientation: ', end='')
    if orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_PUF:
        print('Portrait, up, front')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_PUB:
        print('Portrait, up, back')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_PDF:
        print('Portrait, down, front')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_PDB:
        print('Portrait, down, back')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_LRF:
        print('Landscape, right, front')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_LRB:
        print('Landscape, right, back')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_LLF:
        print('Landscape, left, front')
    elif orientation == adafruit_mma8451.PL_LLB:
        print('Landscape, left, back')



Tags: theimportboardadafruitbacksensorlandscapepl
