
2024-09-20 22:54:04 发布

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def wrapper(a):
    def add_something(b):
       return a + b
    add_something.__doc__ = 'Adds ' + str(a) + ' to `b`'
    return add_something


>>> add_three = wrapper(3)
>>> add_three.__doc__
'Adds 3 to `b`




import unittest
def makeTestCase(filename, my_func):
    class ATest(unittest.TestCase):
        def testSomething(self):
            # Running test in here with data in filename and function my_func
            data  = loadmat(filename)
            result = my_func(data)
            self.assertTrue(result > 0)

    return ATest


>>> def my_func(): pass
>>> MyTest = makeTestCase('some_filename', my_func)
>>> MyTest.testSomething.__doc__ = 'This should be my docstring'
AttributeError: attribute '__doc__' of 'instancemethod' objects is not writable

Tags: 方法函数adddatadocreturnmydef


def make_testcase(filename, myfunc, docstring):
    def test_something(self):
        data = loadmat(filename)
        result = myfunc(data)
        self.assertTrue(result > 0)

    clsdict = {'test_something': test_something,
               '__doc__': docstring}
    return type('ATest', (unittest.TestCase,), clsdict)

MyTest = makeTestCase('some_filename', my_func, 'This is a docstring')


def add_doc(value):
    def _doc(func):
        func.__doc__ = value
        return func
    return _doc

import unittest
def makeTestCase(filename, my_func):
    class ATest(unittest.TestCase):
        @add_doc('This should be my docstring')
        def testSomething(self):
            # Running test in here with data in filename and function my_func
            data  = loadmat(filename)
            result = my_func(data)
            self.assertTrue(result > 0)

    return ATest

def my_func(): pass

MyTest = makeTestCase('some_filename', my_func)
print MyTest.testSomething.__doc__
> 'This should be my docstring'

这里有一个类似的用例:Python dynamic help and autocomplete generation


>>> class Foo(object):
...     def bar(self):
...         pass
>>> Foo.bar.__func__.__doc__ = "A super docstring"
>>> help(Foo.bar)
Help on method bar in module __main__:

bar(self) unbound __main__.Foo method
    A super docstring

>>> foo = Foo()
>>> help(foo.bar)
Help on method bar in module __main__:

bar(self) method of __main__.Foo instance
    A super docstring

2.7 docs

User-defined methods

A user-defined method object combines a class, a class instance (or None) and any callable object (normally a user-defined function).

Special read-only attributes: im_self is the class instance object, im_func is the function object; im_class is the class of im_self for bound methods or the class that asked for the method for unbound methods; __doc__ is the method’s documentation (same as im_func.__doc__);__name__ is the method name (same as im_func.__name__); __module__ is the name of the module the method was defined in, or None if unavailable.

Changed in version 2.2: im_self used to refer to the class that defined the method.

Changed in version 2.6: For 3.0 forward-compatibility, im_func is also available as __func__, and im_self as __self__.

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