视图返回nothing Djang

2024-10-06 07:42:43 发布

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# view.py

from AWSReporting.PythonScripts import disco
from AWSReporting.forms import EC2DiscoveryForm

# Defining discovery view
def discovery(request):
    # Loading django template
    # if POST request is recieved
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Obtains POST information from form. 
        form = EC2DiscoveryForm(request.POST)
        # Will then check if the form is valid.
        if form.is_valid():
            # if valid form recieved, process disco function with ReportName from form.
            # Returns user to Index
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/index/')
    # Else return empty form to GET request
        form = EC2DiscoveryForm()
    #Renders page with empty form with defined template. 
    return render(request, 'AWSReporting/EC2Discovery.html', {'form': form})

网址是正确的,并指向正确的网页 # 网址.py在


这是视图执行的功能,手动测试它工作正常。 # 迪斯科EC2发现()

import requests
from AWSReporting.models import Discoveries, DiscoveriesMade

def EC2Discovery(reportNameString):

    # Creating discovery index and commiting to database.
    newReport = Discoveries(reportName=reportNameString, status='Running')

    # Pulling back commited object to obtain the Primary Key and storing as an int.
    reportVar = Discoveries.objects.get(reportName=reportNameString).id
    reportInt = int(reportVar)

    # Formatting url string to PoSHServer with primary key.
    urlstring = "{}" .format(reportInt)

    # sends GET to urlstring.
    r = requests.get(urlstring, timeout=5)
    # encoding unicode respone to string storing in var.
    var = r.text.encode('utf-8')

    # PoSHServer doesn't always respond, use while loop to ensure request has been successful
    while True:
        # If Success string is not seen, try again.
        if '\xc3\xaf\xc2\xbb\xc2\xbfSuccsess\r\n' not in var:
            # Sending request to urlstring.
            r = requests.get(urlstring, timeout=5)
            # Encoding unicode respone to string storing in var for if check.
            var = r.text.encode('utf-8')
        # Breaks while when successful
        if '\xc3\xaf\xc2\xbb\xc2\xbfSuccsess\r\n' in var:




Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Django Version: 1.7.4
Python Version: 2.7.6
Installed Applications:
Installed Middleware:

File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Django-1.7.4-py2.7.egg/django/core/handlers/base.py" in get_response
  130.                                  % (callback.__module__, view_name))

Exception Type: ValueError at /EC2Discovery
Exception Value: The view AWSReporting.views.discovery didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.

Tags: todjangoinfromformgetifrequest