
2024-05-19 23:02:40 发布

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i = 1
k = 0
while i < 9:
if i % 2 != 0:
    k = k + i
i += 1


# Takes the odd integers from 1 to 9, adds them,
#  and spits out the result.
# main/driver starts here
    .globl main


#data segment

Li:     .byte 0x01  # i = 1
Lj:     .byte 0x09  # j = 9
Lk:     .byte 0x00  # k = 0
Ltwo:   .byte 0x02  # 2 for mod usage

# text segment

lb $t0, Li      # temp reg for i
lb $t1, Lj      # j
lb $t2, Lk      # k
lb $t3, Ltwo        # 2

L1:  beq $t0, $t1, L2   # while i < 9, compute
     div $t0, $t3       # i mod 2
     mfhi $t6        # temp for the mod
     beq $t6, 0, Lmod   # if mod == 0, jump over to L1
     add $t2, $t2, $t0  # k = k + i
Lmod:    add $t0, $t0, 1        # i++
     j L1           # repeat the while loop

L2: li $v0, 1       # system call code to print integer
lb $a0, Lk      # address of int to print

li $v0, 10

Tags: theto代码modl1formain错误



# Takes the odd integers from 1 to 9, adds them,
#  and spits out the result.
# main/driver starts here
    .globl main


#data segment

Li:     .byte 0x01  # i = 1
Lj:     .byte 0x0A  # j = 10
Lk:     .byte 0x00  # k = 0
Ltwo:   .byte 0x02  # 2 for mod usage

# text segment

lb $t0, Li      # temp reg for i
lb $t1, Lj      # j
lb $t2, Lk      # k
lb $t3, Ltwo        # 2

L1:     beq $t0, $t1, L2    # while i < 9, compute
        div $t0, $t3        # i mod 2
        mfhi $t6           # temp for the mod
        beq $t6, 0, Lmod    # if mod == 0, jump over to Lmod and increment
        add $t2, $t2, $t0   # k = k + i
Lmod:   add $t0, $t0, 1     # i++
        j L1               # repeat the while loop

L2:     li $v0, 1       # system call code to print integer
        move $a0, $t2       # move integer to be printed into $a0

        li $v0, 10     # close the program

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