
2024-09-30 20:37:39 发布

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#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    int nScenarios, areaWidth, areaHeight, patternWidth, patternHeight;

    cin >> nScenarios;

    for( int a = 0; a < nScenarios; a++ )
        //get the pattern info and make a vector
        cin >> patternHeight >> patternWidth;
        vector< vector< bool > > patternIsBuilding( patternHeight, vector<bool>( patternWidth, false ) );

        //populate data
        for( int i = 0; i < patternHeight; i++ )
            string temp;
            cin >> temp;
            for( int j = 0; j < patternWidth; j++ )
                patternIsBuilding.at( i ).at( j ) = ( temp[ j ] == 'X' );

        //get the area info and make a vector
        cin >> areaHeight >> areaWidth;
        vector< vector< bool > > areaIsBuilding( areaHeight, vector<bool>( areaWidth, false ) );

        //populate data
        for( int i = 0; i < areaHeight; i++ )
            string temp;
            cin >> temp;
            for( int j = 0; j < areaWidth; j++ )
                areaIsBuilding.at( i ).at( j ) = ( temp[ j ] == 'X' );

        //now the vectors contain a `true` for a building and a `false` for snow
        //need to find the matches for patternIsBuilding inside areaIsBuilding


    return 0;

编辑:从下面的注释中,我从J.F. Sebastian得到了一个用Python编写的解决方案。这很管用,但我并不完全明白。{{cd2>在函数中注释了什么。在


Tags: theforstringincludetempatintbool




#how does this work?
return sum(
    pattern == [ row[ j:j + ncols ] for row in area[ i:i + nrows ] ]
    for i in xrange( len( area ) - nrows + 1 )
    for j in xrange( len( area[i] ) - ncols + 1 )



比较(pattern == ..)返回True/False,在Python中等于1/0。在


count += all(pattern_row == row[j:j + ncols]
             for pattern_row, row in zip(pattern, area[i:i + nrows]))


for pattern_row, row in zip(pattern, area[i:i + nrows]):
    if pattern_row != row[j:j + ncols]:
       break # no match (the count stays the same)
else: # matched (no break)
    count += 1 # all rows are equal
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main(){

    int numOfRounds;
    cin >> numOfRounds;

    for(int round = 0; round < numOfRounds; round++){

        int out = 0;

        int linesToMatch;
        cin >> linesToMatch;

        int sizeToMatch;
        cin >> sizeToMatch;

        vector <string> v;
        string t;

        for (int i = 0; i < linesToMatch; i++){
            cin >> t;

        string s = "";

        int rows;
        cin >> rows;

        int columns;
        cin >> columns;

        for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++){        //map->string
            cin >> t;
            s += t;

        // main part of implementation
        // it's mainly basic algebra and index tracking
        for (int m = 0; m <= rows - linesToMatch; m++){
            for (int n = 0; n <= columns - sizeToMatch; n++){
                int x;
                for (x = 0; x < linesToMatch; x++){
                    int index = (m + x) * columns + n;
                    string newTemp(s.begin() + index, s.begin() + index + sizeToMatch);
                    if (newTemp != v.at(x)) break;
                if (x == linesToMatch) out++;

        cout << out << endl;



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