
2024-09-29 19:19:51 发布

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# Description: bitwise factorization and then trying to find
# an elegant way to print numbers

# Source: http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=61300#p2195422
# bug with large numbers such as 99, but main point in simplifying it
def primes(n):
    # all even numbers greater than 2 are not prime.
    s = [False]*2 + [True]*2 + [False,True]*((n-4)//2) + [False]*(n%2)
    i = 3;
    while i*i < n:
        # get rid of ** and skip even numbers.
        s[i*i : n : i*2] = [False]*(1+(n-i*i)//(i*2))
        i += 2
        # skip non-primes
        while not s[i]: i += 2
    return s

# TRIAL: can you find a simpler way to print them?
# feeling the overuse of assignments but cannot see a way to get it simpler
p = 49
boolPrimes = primes(p)
numbs = range(len(boolPrimes))
mydict = dict(zip(numbs, boolPrimes))

print([numb for numb in numbs if mydict[numb]])



Tags: andtoinfalseitfindwaybut
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 19:19:51


public boolean hasNext()

Returns true if this scanner has another token in its input.

如果要使用hasNextLine(),需要在每个循环中读取,然后解析为String两个int,否则需要检查下一个标记的可用性,然后读取它。在这种情况下,令牌可以是intString,通过使用上述public boolean hasNext()方法


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