
2024-09-27 21:33:45 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我使用的是python2.7。 我在试着比较字典里的值项。在

我有两个问题。 首先是字典中长度为1的值的迭代。我总是得到一个错误,因为python不迭代整数,对于python来说,作为值的单个项是一个整数。 我试着把这个项目改成一个字符串。我试图把整本词典改成字符串。在这些情况下,迭代还比较逗号和方括号,这不是目的。所以我复制了这个项目。中的值键:1和钥匙:4个一件同样的东西,两次。这个解决方案是可行的,但它自然会改变一点结果。在

第二个问题是匹配的计数不能正确工作。 是的,因为第一个问题,但还有另一个问题。 我的代码将所有值项与字典中的所有其他值项进行比较。不比较相同的模。如果比较中有一个匹配,就没有问题。 但是,如果比较有两个匹配项,则代码将以一个匹配项的形式输出两次结果。但我只想要一个结果,两场比赛。 代码包含许多注释,所以我希望您能理解它。在

    #dicModul is a dictionary with the modulnames(keys of dictionary) and the components of the modul(value of dictionary).
# If a modul consists of one component, it is impossible to iterate the modul, therefore this component is two times in a modul.
# Any ideas how to iterate a single value item in a dictionary?
dicModul = {0:(0,1),1:(1,1), 2:(2,3,4,5,6,1,7,2), 
          3:(8,1),4:(9,9), 5:(10,10,5,11,0,12,13), 6:(10,11,9,7)}
#The list is needed for the iteration and to operate the different modul in the dictionary by following for loops.
ModulList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] 
#Counter is needed for counting same components in different moduls.
Counter = 0
for modKey in ModulList: #For-loop is needed for iteration of keys
    for modKey2 in ModulList: #2nd for-loop of Modulkeys.The components of moduls have to be checked for matches in other moduls.
                              #Therefore a second iteration of the modul list is needed.
        if modKey == modKey2: #Same moduls do not have to be checked.
            print "Skip same Moduls" 
            Counter  = 0     #The modkey2 have to changed by iteration. The counter have to be reset.
        elif modKey != modKey2: #Different moduls have to be checked.
                for modVal in dicModul[modKey]:  #Iteration of components for iterated modul.
                    if modVal in dicModul[modKey2]: #Checking iterated components in different modul
                        Counter = Counter + 1  #If component was in different moduls, counter will add +1
                        print "Modul: "+str(modKey)+" % Modul: "+str(modKey2)+ " Matches= "+str(Counter) 
                        #print function for both moduls and number of same components 
                        Counter =0

我想,如果能在这一点上分开前一个检查键和被检查键,计数器不会每次都从0开始。 我试图解决这个问题并寻找解决办法,但我没有找到这个案子。在

loop on a dictionary (previous values) python

How to access previous/next element while for looping?

Count items in dictionary




Modul   Modul   Matches
skip same modul     
0   1   1
0   2   1
0   3   1
0   4   0
0   5   1
skip same modul     
1   2   1
1   3   1
1   4   0
1   5   0
skip same modul     
2   3   1
2   4   0
2   5   1
2   6   1
skip same modul     
3   4   0
3   5   0
skip same modul     
4   5   0
4   6   1
skip same modul     
5   6   3

Tags: ofthetoinfordictionaryiscounter
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-27 21:33:45



dicty = {'a': 1}    
for key in dicty:
    print key




for key in stuff:
    val = stuff[key]
    print key
    print val


count = 0
keys_counted = []

dicty_a = {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2'}
dicty_b = {'key1': 'val1', 'keyB': 'valB'}
for keyA, valA in dicty_a.iteritems():
    for keyB, valB in dicty_b.iteritems():
        if keyB == keyA and keyA not in keys_counted:
            count += 1


list_printed = []
for x in range(5):
    for y in range(5):
        if [x, y] not in list_printed:
            print x, y


0 0
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 2
2 3
2 4
3 3
3 4
4 4


关于您的迭代单个项目的问题Tuples are weird,尤其是单个项目。你需要尾随的逗号,或者它不是元组,而是一个整数。老实说,这让我觉得是一个bug,不是一个特性,但乐观地说,它可能对某些计算机科学很重要,这远远超出了我的工资级别。另外,区别列表[]和元组()的一个重要区别是元组是不可变的。在这种情况下,您可能不需要使用元组。话虽如此,你得到的错误仅仅是因为,你说,你不能迭代一个整数:

loopy = (1,)
for x in loopy:
    print x # this will _not_ raise an error

loopy = (1)
for x in loopy:
    print x # this _will_ raise an error

loopy = [1]
for x in loopy:
    print x # this will _not_ raise an error

loopy = 1
for x in loopy:
    print x # this _will_ raise an error


dicModul = {0:(0,1),1:(1,1), 2:(2,3,4,5,6,1,7,2), 
          3:(8,1),4:(9,9), 5:(10,10,5,11,0,12,13), 6:(10,11,9,7)}

keys_checked = []

def get_tuple_matches(t1, t2):
    counter = 0
    matched_list = []
    for x in t1:
        for y in t2:
            stuff = [x, y]
            if stuff not in matched_list and x == y:
                counter +=1
    return counter

for key_outerloop, val_outerloop in dicModul.iteritems():
    for key_innerloop, val_innerloop in dicModul.iteritems():
        if key_outerloop == key_innerloop:
            print "skip..."
        elif [key_innerloop, key_outerloop] not in keys_checked:
            matches = get_tuple_matches(val_outerloop, val_innerloop)
            keys_checked.append([key_outerloop, key_innerloop])
            print "Modul: " + str(key_outerloop) + " | Modul: " + str(key_innerloop) + " | Matches= "+ str(matches)


Modul: 0 | Modul: 1 | Matches= 1
Modul: 0 | Modul: 2 | Matches= 1
Modul: 0 | Modul: 3 | Matches= 1
Modul: 0 | Modul: 4 | Matches= 0
Modul: 0 | Modul: 5 | Matches= 1
Modul: 0 | Modul: 6 | Matches= 0
Modul: 1 | Modul: 2 | Matches= 1
Modul: 1 | Modul: 3 | Matches= 1
Modul: 1 | Modul: 4 | Matches= 0
Modul: 1 | Modul: 5 | Matches= 0
Modul: 1 | Modul: 6 | Matches= 0
Modul: 2 | Modul: 3 | Matches= 1
Modul: 2 | Modul: 4 | Matches= 0
Modul: 2 | Modul: 5 | Matches= 1
Modul: 2 | Modul: 6 | Matches= 1
Modul: 3 | Modul: 4 | Matches= 0
Modul: 3 | Modul: 5 | Matches= 0
Modul: 3 | Modul: 6 | Matches= 0
Modul: 4 | Modul: 5 | Matches= 0
Modul: 4 | Modul: 6 | Matches= 1
Modul: 5 | Modul: 6 | Matches= 2


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