Pythons PIL(v2.6)中的TypeError消息:应为整数,g

2024-09-30 14:38:42 发布

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我第一次参加论坛。希望我说得够具体。 在PIL中使用ImageChops,我试图将两个图像相乘(both mode=“L”),但总是得到相同的错误消息。我到处找遍了,但找不到有用的东西。如果有任何有用的建议,我将不胜感激! 代码的相关部分附呈。在

    def point(self, f, searchImage, technique): # technique - inpaint or bicubic

    dimx, dimy = searchImage.size

    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for line in reader: #f.readlines():
        coord = line
        print coord
        if searchImage.size[0] > float(coord[0])+95.5 and searchImage.size[1]\
           > float(coord[1])+95.5: 
            box = (float(coord[0])-93.5,float(coord[1])-93.5,\
                   float(coord[0])+95.5,float(coord[1])+95.5)     # left upper right
        elif searchImage.size[0] < float(coord[0])+95.5 and searchImage.size[1]\
             > float(coord[1])+95.5:
            box = (float(coord[0])-93.5,float(coord[1])-93.5,\
                   searchImage.size[0]-0.5,float(coord[1])+95.5)  # size of box
            # depends on pixel size. A pixel size of 14 micrometer results in a
            # cross size of 189 pixels
            box = (float(coord[0])-93.5,float(coord[1])-93.5,\

        box = (math.floor(box[0]), math.floor(box[1]), math.floor(box[2]),\

        searchCrop = searchImage.crop(box)

        c_x = int(float(coord[1])) 
        c_y = int(float(coord[0])) 
        abst_y = c_x - int(math.floor(box[1])) - 1 # x shift

        center = num.asarray(searchImage)[c_x,c_y]
        if center == 0:
            center = center + 0.00001 # to avoid division by zero
        val = [num.asarray(searchImage)[c_x-1,c_y+1], num.asarray(searchImage)\
               [c_x-1,c_y-1], num.asarray(searchImage)[c_x+1,c_y-1], \
               num.asarray(searchImage)[c_x+1,c_y+1]] # ERDAS upper right,
        # upper left, lower left, lower right

        val_dict = {0:1,1:-1,2:-1,3:1}
        flag = val_dict[val.index(min(val))]
        if float(min(val))/center > 2. or min(val) > 100:
            flag = 0

        newima = num.zeros( (searchCrop.size[1], searchCrop.size[0]),\
                            dtype = "float")

        Ayo = num.array(int(searchCrop.size[0])*[255]) 
        Ay = num.array((abst_y + flag)*[255] + 3*[0] + ((int(searchCrop.size[0]\
        Ax = num.array(int(searchCrop.size[0])*[0])  
        Kx = num.array(3*[Ayo] + ((int(searchCrop.size[1])-9)/2+flag)*[Ay] + 3*[Ax] \
                       + ((int(searchCrop.size[1])-9)/2-flag)*[Ay] + 3*[Ayo])   

        Kxlist = list(itertools.chain(*Kx))

        for y in range(int(searchCrop.size[1])): 
            for x in range(int(searchCrop.size[0])):        
                newima[y,x] = Kxlist[i+y+x]

        kernel = Image.fromarray(newima)
        kernel = kernel.convert(mode="L")

        # -----
        modified = ImageChops.multiply(searchCrop,kernel)   # Results in an image 
        # where the pixels along the cross axes will get a value of 0
        # ---



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