如何将python进程作为另一个Windows us运行

2024-06-20 15:11:51 发布

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import subprocess 
cmd = ['C:\Windows\system32\executable.exe']
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(RAR_EXE), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = proc.stdout.read()



Tags: path用户importcmd可执行文件oswindowsstdout
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-20 15:11:51



runas [{/profile | /noprofile}] [/env] [{/netonly | /savecred}] [/smartcard] [/showtrustlevels] [/trustlevel] /user: " "


  • /profile
    Loads the user's profile. This is the default. This parameter cannot be used with the /netonly parameter.
  • /no profile
    Specifies that the user's profile is not to be loaded. This allows the application to load more quickly, but it can also cause a malfunction in some applications.
  • /env
    Specifies that the current network environment be used instead of the user's local environment.
  • /netonly
    Indicates that the user information specified is for remote access only. This parameter cannot be used with the /profile parameter.
  • /savecred
    Indicates if the credentials have been previously saved by this user. This parameter is not available and will be ignored on Windows Vista Home or Windows Vista Starter Editions. This parameter cannot be used with the /smartcard parameter.
  • /smartcard
    Indicates whether the credentials are to be supplied from a smartcard. This parameter cannot be used with the /savecred parameter.
  • /showtrustlevels
    Displays the trust levels that can be used as arguments to /trustlevel.
  • /trustlevel
    Specifies the level of authorization at which the application is to run. Use /showtrustlevels to see the trust levels available.
  • /user: " "
    Specifies the name of the user account under which to run the program, the program name, and the path to the program file. The user account name format should be @ or \.
  • /?
    Displays help at the command prompt.


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