
2024-10-06 08:09:20 发布

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Windows Powershell error traceback




class ReflexAgent(Agent):
    def getAction(self, gameState):
         # Collect legal moves and successor states
         legalMoves = gameState.getLegalActions()
         # Choose one of the best actions
         scores = [self.evaluationFunction(gameState, action) for action in legalMoves]
         bestScore = max(scores)
         bestIndices = [index for index in range(len(scores)) if scores[index] == bestScore]
         chosenIndex = random.choice(bestIndices) # Pick randomly among the best
         return legalMoves[chosenIndex]

     def evaluationFunction(self, currentGameState, action):
        successorGameState = currentGameState.generatePacmanSuccessor(action)
        oldPos = currentGameState.getPacmanPosition()
        newPos = successorGameState.getPacmanPosition()
        newFood = successorGameState.getFood()
        newGhostStates = successorGameState.getGhostStates()
        # heuristic baseline
        heuristic = 0.0
        # ghost heuristic
        for ghost in newGhostStates:
            ghostDist = manhattanDistance(ghost.getPosition(), newPos)
            if ghostDist <= 1:
                if ghost.scaredTimer != 0:
                    heuristic += 2000
                    heuristic -= 200
        # capsule heuristic
        for capsule in currentGameState.getCapsules():
            capsuleDist = manhattanDistance(capsule, newPos)
            if capsuleDist == 0:
                heuristic += 100
                heuristic += 10.0/capsuleDist
        # food heuristic
        for x in xrange(newFood.width):
            for y in xrange(newFood.height):
                if (newFood[x][y]):
                    foodDist = manhattanDistance(newPos, (x,y))
                    if foodDist == 0:
                        heuristic += 100
                        heuristic += 1.0/(foodDist ** 2)
         if currentGameState.getNumFood() > successorGameState.getNumFood():
             heuristic += 100
         if action == Directions.STOP:
             heuristic -= 5
         return heuristic

def scoreEvaluationFunction(currentGameState):
    return currentGameState.getScore()

class MultiAgentSearchAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, evalFn = 'scoreEvaluationFunction', depth = '2'):
        self.index = 0 # Pacman is always agent index 0
        self.evaluationFunction = util.lookup(evalFn, globals())
        self.depth = int(depth)

class ExpectimaxAgent(MultiAgentSearchAgent):
    def getAction(self, gameState):
        # Set v to smallest float value (-infinity)
        v = float("-inf")
        bestAction = []
        # Pacman is agent == 0
        agent = 0
        # All legal actions which Pacman can make from his current location
        actions = gameState.getLegalActions(agent)
        # All successors determined from all the legal actions
        successors = [(action, gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, action)) for action in actions]
        # Iterate through all successors
        for successor in successors:
            # Expectimax function call (actor = 1, agentList = total number of agents, state = successor[1], depth = self.depth, evalFunct = self.evaluationFunction)
            temp = expectimax(1, range(gameState.getNumAgents()), successor[1], self.depth, self.evaluationFunction)
            # temp is greater than -infinity (or previously set value)
            if temp > v:
                # Set v to the new value of temp
                v = temp
                # Make the best action equal to successor[0]
                bestAction = successor[0]
        return bestAction

def expectimax(agent, agentList, state, depth, evalFunct):
    # Check if won, lost or depth is less than/equal to 0
    if depth <= 0 or state.isWin() == True or state.isLose() == True:
        # return evalFunct
        return evalFunct
    # Check to see if agent is Pacman
    if agent == 0:
        # Set v to smallest float value (-infinity)
        v = float("-inf")
    # Otherwise, agent is ghost
        # Set v to 0
        v = 0
    # All possible legal actions for Pacman/Ghost(s)
    actions = state.getLegalActions(agent)
    # All successors determined from all the legal actions for the passed actor (either Pacman or Ghost(s))
    successors = [state.generateSuccessor(agent, action) for action in actions]
    # Find the inverse of the length of successors
    p = 1.0/len(successors)
    # Iterate through the length of successors
    for j in range(len(successors)):
        # Temp var to store the current successor at location j
        successor = successors[j]
        # Check if agent is Pacman
        if agent == 0:
            # Set v to the max of its previous value or recursive call to expectimax
            v = max(v, expectimax(agentList[agent + 1], agentList, successor, depth, evalFunct))
        # Check if agent is equal to ghost 2
        elif agent == agentList[-1]:
            # Increment v by the recursive call to p times expectimax (with agent=agentlist[0], agentList, state=successor, depth-=1, evalFunct)
            v += expectimax(agentList[0], agentList, successor, depth - 1, evalFunct) * p
        # Otherwise
            # Increment v by p times the recursive call to expectimax (with agent=agentList[agent+1], agentList, state=successor, depth, evalFunct)
            v += expectimax(agentList[agent + 1], agentList, successor, depth, evalFunct) * p
    return v


Tags: thetoinselfactionsforifaction
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-06 08:09:20


def expectimax(agent, agentList, state, depth, evalFunct):
    # Check if won, lost or depth is less than/equal to 0
    if depth <= 0 or state.isWin() == True or state.isLose() == True:
        # return evalFunct
        return evalFunct < - cause of the error




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