
2024-09-30 22:12:42 发布

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Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/austinlee/eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_2.7.0.2013032300/pysrc/pydevd.py", line 1397, in <module>
    debugger.run(setup['file'], None, None)
  File "/home/austinlee/eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev_2.7.0.2013032300/pysrc/pydevd.py", line 1090, in run
    pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) #execute the script
  File "/home/austinlee/workspace/test/src/orbit.py", line 72, in <module>
    if( Dist(x_a, x_e, y_a, y_e) < d_close):
  File "/home/austinlee/workspace/test/src/orbit.py", line 37, in Dist
    return sqrt((b-a)**2+(d-c)**2)
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')




Tags: inpy程序地球homeif错误line
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-30 22:12:42


def Dist(a,b,c,d):
    x = float(b - a)
    y = float(d - c)
    u = min(x, y)
    v = max(x, y)
    return abs(v) * sqrt(1 + (u/v)**2)




v_r += (a_r/v_angle + r_a*v_angle)*delta_t*v_angle


v_r += (a_r + r_a*v_angle**2)*delta_t

但是,仍然存在一些问题。一旦我做了这些更改,我就可以避免溢出错误,但是当theta_a变得太大时,cos函数中会出现域错误。如果θa是我认为的,你可以通过添加一个mod 2*pi来解决最后一个问题,如下所示:

theta_a += r_a*theta_a*delta_t % (2*pi)


theta_a += r_a*theta_a*delta_t


from math import *

##position of earth and ast. relative to sun, units in m/s/kg

r_earth = 1.4959787E11
x_e = r_earth
y_e = 0
v_ye = 29784.3405
v_xe = 0

x_a = 1.37801793E11
y_a = 2.31478719E11
v_ya = -14263.6905
v_xa = -8490.32975

##constants- masses and radius's of objects
G = 6.67384E-11
M_sun = 1.988500E30
M_earth = 5.9726E24
R_earth = 6371.0E3
M_ast = 1.30E11
R_ast = 250
t = 0 
delta_t = 10
t_max = 10000000
a_xe = 0
a_ye = 0
a_xa = 0
a_ya = 0

##Define Acceleration due to Gravity and Distance Formulas
def Grav(a,b):
    return (G*a/b)/(b) #Changed by jcrudy

def Dist(a,b,c,d): #Changed by jcrudy
    x = float(b - a)
    y = float(d - c)
    u = min(x, y)
    v = max(x, y)
    return abs(v) * sqrt(1 + (u/v)**2)

#    return sqrt((b-a)**2+(d-c)**2)

##Derived Constants
t_close = 0
d_close = Dist(x_a,x_e,y_a,y_e)
r_a = Dist(0,x_a,0,y_a)
theta_e = 0
theta_a = atan2(y_a,x_a)
v_angle = sqrt(v_xa**2+v_ya**2)/r_a
v_r1 = v_angle
v_r = sqrt(v_xa**2+v_ya**2)
T = 2* pi/(365*24*3600)
a_r = v_xa**2+v_ya**2
a_theta = (-Grav(M_sun, Dist(x_a,0,y_a,0))-Grav(M_earth,Dist(x_a,x_e,y_a,y_e)))**2-a_r**2

## Main Loop- assuming constant, circular orbit for earth (i.e M_ast is negligible)

for t in range(0, t_max):
    t += delta_t
    theta_e = T*t
    x_e = r_earth*cos( theta_e )
    y_e = r_earth*sin( theta_e )

## Convert asteroid parameters into polar coordinates and solve using Euler's Method

    a_r = v_xa**2+v_ya**2
    a_theta = (-Grav(M_sun, Dist(x_a,0,y_a,0))-Grav(M_earth,Dist(x_a,x_e,y_a,y_e)))**2-a_r**2 
    v_r1 = v_r
    v_r += (a_r/v_angle + r_a*v_angle)*delta_t*v_angle # Changed by jcrudy
    v_angle += (a_theta - 2*v_r1*v_angle)* delta_t
    theta_a += r_a*theta_a*delta_t % (2*pi) # Changed by jcrudy
    r_a += v_r*delta_t
    x_a = r_a*cos( theta_a)
    y_a = r_a*sin( theta_a)

## Test for minimum distance  

    if( Dist(x_a, x_e, y_a, y_e) < d_close):
        d_close = Dist( x_a, x_e, y_a, y_e)
        t_close = t/(3600*24)
##Print Results:

print "d_close: ", d_close/1000, "km"
print "t_close: ", t_close
if( d_close < R_earth):
    print "Impact: Y"

    print "Impact: N"

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