
2024-09-30 22:24:31 发布

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我试图在电影数据库中找出任何两个演员之间的分离程度。 当我达到我的基本情况,即1度分离(即演员和另一个演员在同一部电影中)时,我成功了,但我使用递归来找到所有其他的分离度,我得到:

runtime error: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp.
##gets file with movie information
f = open("filename.txt")
actedWith = {}
ActorList = []
movies = {}
actedIn = []
dos = 1

def getDegrees(target, base, dos):
    for actor in actedWith[base]:
        if target == actor:
            print base, "has ", dos, " degree(s) of separation from ", target
    dos = dos+1
    for actor in actedWith[base]:
        getDegrees(target, actor, dos)

for l in f:
    ##strip of whitespace
    l = l.strip()
    ##split by where forward-slashes are
    l = l.split("/")
    ##add the first "word" on the line to the database of movie names
    movies = {l[0] : l[1:]}
    for e in l[1:]:
        if e in actedWith:
            actedWith[e] = actedWith[e]+movies[l[0]]
            actedWith[e] = movies[l[0]]

base = raw_input("Enter Actor Name (Last, First): ")
target = raw_input("Enter Second Actor Name (Last, First): ")
getDegrees(target, base, dos)


为了测试基本用例,我使用:Bacon, KevinPitt, Brad。在

为了测试其他人,我使用Bacon, Kevin和{}。在

Tags: oftheintargetforbaseif电影

除非actedWith的某些属性我看不到,否则您没有任何地方可以防止无限循环。例如,您的一个递归调用将是getDegrees("Gamble, Nathan", "Pitt, Brad", 2),那么由于Kevin Bacon与Brad Pitt合作过,当您深入到另一个层次时,您将调用getDegrees("Gamble, Nathan", "Bacon, Kevin", 3)。看到问题了吗?在


  1. 当您从getDegrees返回时,您仍然要在返回之后完成函数的其余部分。您需要返回True(或其他值)以指示搜索已结束,整个函数调用堆栈应该回滚。第一个返回将更改为“returntrue”,最后一行将更改为“if getDegrees(target,actor,dos):return True”。在
  2. 跟踪哪些演员已经被搜索过。如果两个演员互相表演,或者在关系中有一个循环,你会来回循环。


Siravo, Joseph has 179 degree(s) of separation from Belushi, James



##gets file with movie information
f = open("filename.txt")
actedWith = {}
ActorList = []
movies = {}
actedIn = []
dos = 1

def getDegrees(original, target, base, dos=0, seen=[]):
    dos = dos+1
    print "  > checking %s against %s" % (target, base)
    for actor in actedWith[base]:
        #print "\t" + actor
        if target == actor:
            print original, "has ", dos, " degree(s) of separation from ", target
            return True
    for actor in actedWith[base]:
        if actor in seen: continue
        seen = seen + [actor]
        if getDegrees(original, target, actor, dos, seen):
            return True
    return False

for l in f:
    ##strip of whitespace
    l = l.strip()
    ##split by where forward-slashes are
    l = l.split("/")
    ##add the first "word" on the line to the database of movie names
    movies = {l[0] : l[1:]}
    for e in l[1:]:
        if e in actedWith:
            actedWith[e] = actedWith[e]+movies[l[0]]
            actedWith[e] = movies[l[0]]

original = raw_input("Enter Actor Name (Last, First): ")
target = raw_input("Enter Second Actor Name (Last, First): ")
getDegrees(original, target, original)





def getDegrees(target, base, dos, ancestors):  # Also carry a list of "ancestors"
    for actor in actedWith[base]:
        if target == actor:
            print base, "has ", dos, " degree(s) of separation from ", target
    dos = dos+1
    ancestors = ancestors + [base]  # Must be separate variable binding to avoid mutating the caller's copy
    for actor in actedWith[base]:
        if actor in ancestors: continue  # Check if on path, skip if so
        getDegrees(target, actor, dos, ancestors)


getDegrees(target, base, dos, [target])



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