
2024-09-29 19:26:36 发布

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    import numpy as np
    A = np.asarray([400.5, 100,  700,   200,  15, 900])
    B = np.asarray([500.5, 200,  500, 600.5,   8, 999])
    X = np.asarray([400.5, 700,  100,   300,  15, 555, 900])
    Y = np.asarray([500.5, 500,600.5,   100,   8, 555, 999])


indAB=[0 2 4 5]

  • 0,因为A&B中的400.5和500.5也位于X&Y中的位置0
  • 2因为A&B中的700和500也在位置2的X&Y中
  • 4因为A&B中的15和8也在X&Y中处于位置4
  • 5,因为A&B中的900和999也位于X&Y位置5

indXY=[0 1 4 6]

  • 0、1、4和6与indAB相似,但与X&Y有关。在




我一直得到indXY的[0 1 2 4 6],这是不正确的。不应包括2,因为即使Y和B中为600.5,A和B中的200和100(分别)不相等。在


Tags: importnumpyasnp数组指数例子asarray

这是另一种方法。我敢说这是相对清楚的,由于使用了集合,它应该是高效的,而且它只需要O( len(A) + len(X) )内存。在


from collections import defaultdict

A = [400.5, 100, 700, 200, 15, 900]
B = [500.5, 200, 500, 600.5, 8, 999]
X = [400.5, 700, 100, 300, 15, 555, 900]
Y = [500.5, 500, 600.5, 100, 8, 555, 999]

def get_indices(values):
    d = defaultdict(set)
    for i, value in enumerate(values):
    return d

iA, iB, iX, iY = [get_indices(values) for values in [A, B, X, Y]]
# {400.5: {0}, 100: {1}, 200: {3}, 900: {5}, 700: {2}, 15: {4}}
# {400.5: {0}, 100: {2}, 300: {3}, 900: {6}, 555: {5}, 700: {1}, 15: {4}}

for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(A, B)):
    common_indices = iX[a] & iY[b]
    if common_indices:
        print("A B : %d" % i)
        print("X Y : %d" % common_indices.pop())

#   A B : 0
#   X Y : 0

#   A B : 2
#   X Y : 1

#   A B : 4
#   X Y : 4

#   A B : 5
#   X Y : 6


import numpy as np
import numpy_indexed as npi

A = np.asarray([400.5, 100,  700,   200,  15, 900])
B = np.asarray([500.5, 200,  500, 600.5,   8, 999])
X = np.asarray([400.5, 700,  100,   300,  15, 555, 900])
Y = np.asarray([500.5, 500,600.5,   100,   8, 555, 999])

AB = np.stack([A, B], axis=-1)
XY = np.stack([X, Y], axis=-1)

# casting the AB and XY arrays to npi.index first is not required, but a performance optimization; without this each call to npi.indices would have to re-index the arrays, which is the expensive part
AB = npi.as_index(AB)
XY = npi.as_index(XY)
# npi.indices(list, items) is a vectorized nd-equivalent of list.index(item)
indAB = npi.indices(AB, XY, missing='mask').compressed()
indXY = npi.indices(XY, AB, missing='mask').compressed()



import numpy as np

A = np.asarray([400.5, 100,  700,   200,  15, 900])
B = np.asarray([500.5, 200,  500, 600.5,   8, 999])
X = np.asarray([400.5, 700,  100,   300,  15, 555, 900])
Y = np.asarray([500.5, 500,600.5,   100,   8, 555, 999])

AB = np.stack([A, B], axis=-1)
XY = np.stack([X, Y], axis=-1)

eq = AB[:, np.newaxis, :] == XY[np.newaxis, :, :]
eq = np.logical_and.reduce(eq, axis=-1)

indAB, = np.where(np.logical_or.reduce(eq, axis=1))
indXY, = np.where(np.logical_or.reduce(eq, axis=0))

print("indAB", indAB)
print("indXY", indXY)








import numpy as np

MAX_SIZE = 2  # Biggest array will be MAX_SIZE x MAX_SIZE x 2

A = np.asarray([400.5, 100,  700,   200,  15, 900])
B = np.asarray([500.5, 200,  500, 600.5,   8, 999])
X = np.asarray([400.5, 700,  100,   300,  15, 555, 900])
Y = np.asarray([500.5, 500,600.5,   100,   8, 555, 999])

AB = np.stack([A, B], axis=-1)
XY = np.stack([X, Y], axis=-1)

maskAB = np.full(len(AB), False, dtype=bool)
maskXY = np.full(len(XY), False, dtype=bool)

for iAB in range(0, len(AB), MAX_SIZE):
    pAB = np.expand_dims(AB[iAB:iAB + MAX_SIZE], axis=1)
    for iXY in range(0, len(XY), MAX_SIZE):
        pXY = np.expand_dims(XY[iXY:iXY + MAX_SIZE], axis=0)
        eq = pAB == pXY
        eq = np.logical_and.reduce(eq, axis=-1)
        maskAB[iAB:iAB + MAX_SIZE] |= np.logical_or.reduce(eq, axis=1)
        maskXY[iXY:iXY + MAX_SIZE] |= np.logical_or.reduce(eq, axis=0)

indAB, = np.where(maskAB)
indXY, = np.where(maskXY)

print("indAB", indAB)
print("indXY", indXY)



我使用2的MAX_SIZE只是为了说明它在示例中可以工作,但是在实践中,您可以根据您愿意使用的最大内存量来选择它(例如,对于MAX_SIZE = 10000,它应该是几百兆字节的顺序)。MAX_SIZE不需要小于数组的大小,也不必是数组大小的除数。在

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