
2024-10-03 17:28:00 发布

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Tags: 方法功能networkx应用程序声明链接空间数组
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-03 17:28:00

使用对角线结构,如this answer中有关“在MATLAB中构造邻接矩阵”的详细说明,我只创建上对角线,并使用scipy.sparse.diags将它们添加到稀疏对角矩阵的适当位置。这个稀疏矩阵被加到它的转置上,得到邻接矩阵。在

在处理图像时,通常需要将图像分解为不重叠的矩形子图像或面片。patch_size参数是一个元组(rows,cols),它描述大小为“rows x cols”的矩形面片。在

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as s

def connected_adjacency(image, connect, patch_size=(1, 1)):
    Creates an adjacency matrix from an image where nodes are considered adjacent 
    based on 4-connected or 8-connected pixel neighborhoods.

    :param image: 2 or 3 dim array
    :param connect: string, either '4' or '8'
    :param patch_size: tuple (n,m) used if the image will be decomposed into 
                   contiguous, non-overlapping patches of size n x m. The 
                   adjacency matrix will be formed from the smaller sized array
                   e.g. original image size = 256 x 256, patch_size=(8, 8), 
                   then the image under consideration is of size 32 x 32 and 
                   the adjacency matrix will be of size 
                   32**2 x 32**2 = 1024 x 1024
    :return: adjacency matrix as a sparse matrix (type=scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix)

    r, c = image.shape[:2]

    r = r / patch_size[0]
    c = c / patch_size[1]

    if connect == '4':
        # constructed from 2 diagonals above the main diagonal
        d1 = np.tile(np.append(np.ones(c-1), [0]), r)[:-1]
        d2 = np.ones(c*(r-1))
        upper_diags = s.diags([d1, d2], [1, c])
        return upper_diags + upper_diags.T

    elif connect == '8':
        # constructed from 4 diagonals above the main diagonal
        d1 = np.tile(np.append(np.ones(c-1), [0]), r)[:-1]
        d2 = np.append([0], d1[:c*(r-1)])
        d3 = np.ones(c*(r-1))
        d4 = d2[1:-1]
        upper_diags = s.diags([d1, d2, d3, d4], [1, c-1, c, c+1])
        return upper_diags + upper_diags.T
        raise ValueError('Invalid parameter \'connect\'={connect}, must be "4" or "8".'



使用networkx+matplotlib将邻接矩阵绘制为图形: enter image description here

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