
2024-09-30 20:19:31 发布

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给定L不同元素的两个排列ABL是偶数的,让我们称这些置换为“对称的”(因为缺少更好的术语),如果存在n和{},m > n,例如(在python表示法中):

 - A[n:m] == B[L-m:L-n]
 - B[n:m] == A[L-m:L-n]
 - all other elements are in place



取它的任何部分,例如1 2。它从第二个索引开始,长度为2。现在取一个与之对称的切片:它在倒数第二个索引处结束,也有2个字符长,因此它是5 6。交换这些切片

B = 0 5 6 3 4 1 2 7

现在,A和{}在上述意义上是“对称的”(n=1, m=3)。另一方面

A = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
B = 1 0 2 3 4 5 7 6


我如何用python编写一个算法来发现两个给定的排列(=列表)是否是“对称的”,如果是,则找到n和{}?为了简单起见,让我们只考虑偶数L(因为奇数可以通过消除中间固定元素而简单地简化为偶数),并假设输入正确(set(A)==set(B), len(set(A))==len(A))。在


有趣的事实:给定的L的对称置换数是Triangular number。在

我用this code测试你的答案。

赏金更新:这里有很多很好的答案。@Jared Goguen's solution似乎是最快的。在


testing 0123456789 L= 10
    test_alexis ok in 15.4252s
    test_evgeny_kluev_A ok in 30.3875s
    test_evgeny_kluev_B ok in 27.1382s
    test_evgeny_kluev_C ok in 14.8131s
    test_ian ok in 26.8318s
    test_jared_goguen ok in 10.0999s
    test_jason_herbburn ok in 21.3870s
    test_tom_karzes ok in 27.9769s

Tags: 答案intest元素len切片okall


def test_o_o(a, b):

    L = len(a)
    H = L//2
    n, m = 0, H-1

    # find the first difference in the left-side
    while n < H:
        if a[n] != b[n]: break
        n += 1
    else: return

    # find the last difference in the left-side
    while m > -1:
        if a[m] != b[m]: break 
        m -= 1
    else: return

    # for slicing, we want end_index+1
    m += 1

    # compare each slice for equality
    # order: beginning, block 1, block 2, middle, end
    if (a[0:n] == b[0:n] and \
        a[n:m] == b[L-m:L-n] and \
        b[n:m] == a[L-m:L-n] and \
        a[m:L-m] == b[m:L-m] and \
        a[L-n:L] == b[L-n:L]):

        return n, m


breakintoelse: return结构确保函数在最快的时间点返回。它们还验证n和{}是否已设置为有效值,但在显式检查切片时似乎没有必要这样做。这些管路可以拆下而不会对正时产生明显影响。在






def isSymmetric(A, B):
    L = len(A) #assume equivalent to len(B), modifying this would be as simple as checking if len(A) != len(B), return []
    la = L//2 # half-list length
    Al = A[:la]
    Ar = A[la:]
    Bl = B[:la]
    Br = B[la:]
    for i in range(la):
        lai = la - i #just to reduce the number of computation we need to perform
        for j in range(1, lai + 1):
            k = lai - j #same here, reduce computation
            if Al[i] != Br[k] or Ar[k] != Bl[i]: #the key for efficient computation is here: do not proceed unnecessarily
            n = i #written only for the sake of clarity. i is n, and we can use i directly
            m = i + j
            if A[n:m] == B[L-m:L-n] and B[n:m] == A[L-m:L-n]: #possibly symmetric
                if A[0:n] == B[0:n] and A[m:L-m] == B[m:L-m] and A[L-n:] == B[L-n:]:
                    return [n, m]
    return []






首先,我们需要将每个both listA和listB拆分为两个半列表(称为AlArBl,和{})。每个半列表将包含原始列表的一半成员:




Al = [al1, al2, al3, al4, al5, al6]


Al  = [al1, al2, al3, al4, al5, al6]
iAl = [0,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5  ] #corresponding index list, added for explanation purpose





  1. 索引(让我们给它一个变量名i,我将使用符号^表示当前的i
  2. 长度(让我们给它一个变量名j,我将使用符号==来直观地表示它的长度值)


Given an index value i and length value of j in iAl, do something to determine if it is worth to check for symmetric qualifications starting from that index and with that length (Hence the name pivot index come).

现在,让我们以一个求值为例,当i = 0j = 1时。评估的说明如下:

iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
       ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 0
       == <-- now this has length (j) of 1


iBr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
                      ^ <-- must compare the value in this index to what is pointed by iAl
                      == <-- must evaluate with the same length = 1


Al = [0, x, x, x, x, x] #x means don't care for now
Br = [x, x, x, x, x, 0]


It won't worth evaluating further if even the above condition is not true


By trying to find relationship between indexes and lengths of the four lists. That is, for a given indexi and lengthj in a list (say Al), what must be the indexk in the counterpart list (in the case is Br). Length for the counterpart list need not be found because it is the same as in the list (that is j).



iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
       ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 0
       ===== <-- now this has length (j) of 2

iBr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
                   ^ <-- must compare the value in this index to what is pointed by iAl
                   ===== <-- must evaluate with the same length = 2

或者,对于上面的例子,福克斯i = 0y = 2真正重要的是:

# when i = 0 and y = 2
Al = [0, y, x, x, x, x] #x means don't care for now
Br = [x, x, x, x, 0, y] #y means to be checked later

请看一下,上面的模式与i = 0y = 1时不同,在示例中,0的索引位置发生了移动:

# when i = 0 and y = 1, k = 5
Al = [0, x, x, x, x, x] #x means don't care for now
Br = [x, x, x, x, x, 0]

# when i = 0 and y = 2, k = 4
Al = [0, y, x, x, x, x] #x means don't care for now
Br = [x, x, x, x, 0, y] #y means to be checked later

因此,长度偏移,其中必须检查对应列表的索引。在第一种情况下,当i = 0y = 1,那么k = 5。但是在第二种情况下,当i = 0和{}时,k = 4。因此,当我们将一个固定的索引j(在本例中是0)的长度j更改为对应列表索引k时,我们发现了轴索引关系。在

现在,考虑长度固定的索引i对对应列表索引j的影响。例如,让我们将长度固定为y = 4,然后对于索引i = 0,我们有:

iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
       ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 0
       ========== <-- now this has length (j) of 4

iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
          ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 1
          ========== <-- now this has length (j) of 4

iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
             ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 2
             ========== <-- now this has length (j) of 4

#And no more needed

在上面的例子中,可以看出,我们需要计算给定的ij的可能性,但是如果索引i更改为长度相同的j = 4,则:

iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
          ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 1
          ========== <-- now this has length (j) of 4

iAl = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
             ^ <-- now evaluate this index (i) = 2
             ========== <-- now this has length (j) of 4





例如,如果我们用i = 0y = 2来计算Al-Br

Al = [0, y, x, x, x, x] #x means don't care for now
Br = [x, x, x, x, 0, y] #y means to be checked later


Ar = [x, x, x, x, 3, y] #x means don't care for now
Bl = [3, y, x, x, x, x] #y means to be checked later



We only need to check the values of the lists in the pivot index first. If the values of the lists in the pivot indexes of Al, Ar, Bl, and Br matches in the evaluationthen and only then we need to check for symmetric criteria (thus making the computation efficient!)


for i in range(len(Al)): #for every index in the list
    lai = la - i #just simplification
    for j in range(1, lai + 1): #get the length from 1 to la - i + 1
        k = lai - j #get the mirror index
        if Al[i] != Br[k] or Ar[k] != Bl[i]: #if the value in the pivot indexes do not match
             continue #skip, no need to evaluate
        #at this point onwards, then the values in the pivot indexes match
        n = i #assign n
        m = i + j #assign m
        #test if the first two conditions for symmetric are passed
        if A[n:m] == B[L-m:L-n] and B[n:m] == A[L-m:L-n]: #possibly symmetric
            #if it passes, test the third condition for symmetric, the rests of the elements must stay in its place
            if A[0:n] == B[0:n] and A[m:L-m] == B[m:L-m] and A[L-n:] == B[L-n:]:                   
                return [n, m] #if all three conditions are passed, symmetric lists are found! return [n, m] immediately!
        #passing this but not outside of the loop means 
        #any of the 3 conditions to find symmetry are failed
        #though values in the pivot indexes match, simply continue
return [] #nothing can be found - asymmetric lists





  1. 比较列表,分组“不相等”的间隔,确保正好有两个这样的间隔(特别是当间隔在中间时)。在
  2. 检查“非等间距”是否对称放置,其内容是否也“对称”。在


  1. 比较列表的前半部分,猜测“要交换的间隔”在哪里。在
  2. 检查这些间隔的内容是否“对称”。确保这些间隔之外的列表是相等的。在


  1. 比较列表的前半部分以找到第一个不匹配的元素。在
  2. 在第二个列表中找到第一个列表中不匹配的元素。这暗示了“要交换的间隔”的位置。在
  3. 检查这些间隔的内容是否“对称”。确保这些间隔之外的列表是相等的。在



import itertools as it
import operator as op

def test_C(a, b):
    length = len(a)
    half = length // 2
    mismatches = it.imap(op.ne, a, b[:half]) # compare half-lists

        n = next(it.compress(it.count(), mismatches))
        nr = length - n
        mr = a.index(b[n], half, nr)
        m = length - mr
    except StopIteration: return None
    except ValueError: return None

    if a[n:m] == b[mr:nr] and b[n:m] == a[mr:nr] \
            and a[m:mr] == b[m:mr] and a[nr:] == b[nr:]:
        return (n, m)







=  E N N E E N N E
B  _ * _ * _ * _ *


B  _ * _ * _ * _ *
    [1 : 3] [5 : 7]



def test_B(a, b):
    equals = it.imap(op.eq, a, b[:len(a) // 2]) # compare half-lists
    e1, e2 = it.tee(equals)
    l = it.chain(e1, [True])
    r = it.chain([True], e2)
    borders = it.imap(op.ne, l, r) # delimit equal/non-equal intervals
    ranges = list(it.islice(it.compress(it.count(), borders), 2))

    if len(ranges) != 2:
        return None

    n, m = ranges[0], ranges[1]
    nr, mr = len(a) - n, len(a) - m

    if a[n:m] == b[mr:nr] and b[n:m] == a[mr:nr] \
            and a[m:mr] == b[m:mr] and a[nr:] == b[nr:]:
        return (n, m)

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