
2024-09-24 10:28:20 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我在寻找一种从这些文件类型中剥离图片的方法,这是我想出的解决方案。它遍历给定的目录结构,复制具有适当扩展名的任何文件,并将副本重命名为文件名.zip. 然后它在zip结构中导航,并提取具有适当扩展名的所有图片类型文件,并将它们重命名为原始文件名,并使用数字表示唯一性。最后,它删除它创建的提取目录树。在





import shutil
import os
import zipfile

def zipDoc(aFile,dirPath):
    dotNDX = aFile.index(".") # position of the .
    shortFN = aFile[:dotNDX] # name of the file before .
    zipName = dirPath + shortFN + ".zip" # name and path of the file only .zip
    shutil.copy2(dirPath + aFile, zipName) # copies all data from original into .zip format
    useZIP = zipfile.ZipFile(zipName) # the usable zip file
    return useZIP # returns the zipped file 

def hasPicExtension(aFile): # if a file ends in a typical picture file extension, returns true
    picEndings = [".jpeg",".jpg",".png",".bmp",".JPEG"".JPG",".BMP",".PNG"] # list of photo extensions
    if aFile.endswith(tuple(picEndings)): # turn the list into a tuple, because .endswith accepts that
        return True     
    else: # if it doesn't end in a picture extension
        return False

def delDOCXEvidence(somePath): # removes the .docx file structures generated
    # Working Linux code:
    os.rmdir(somePath + "/word/media") # removes directory
    os.rmdir(somePath + "/word") # removes more directory

    # Untested windows code:
    # os.rmdir(somePath + "\\\\word\\\\media") # removes directory
    # os.rmdir(somePath + "\\\\word") #removes more directory

def delXLSXEvidence(somePath): # removes the .xlsx file structures generated
    # Working Linux code:
    os.rmdir(somePath + "/xl/media") # removes directory
    os.rmdir(somePath + "/xl") # removes more directory

    # Untested windows code:
    # os.rmdir(somePath + "\\\\xl\\\\media") # removes directory
    # os.rmdir(somePath + "\\\\xl") #removes more directory

def extractPicsFromDir(dirPath=""):
# when given a directory path, will extract all images from all .docx and .xlsx file types
    if os.path.isdir(dirPath): # if the given path is a directory
        for dirFile in os.listdir(dirPath): # loops through all files in the directory
            dirFileName = os.fsdecode(dirFile) # strips out the file name
            if dirFileName.endswith(".docx"):
                useZIP = zipDoc(dirFile,dirPath) # turns it into a zip
                picNum = 1 # number of pictures in file
                for zippedFile in useZIP.namelist(): # loops through all files in the directory
                    if hasPicExtension(zippedFile): # if it ends with photo
                        useZIP.extract(zippedFile, path=dirPath) # extracts the picture to the path + word/media/
                        shutil.move(dirPath + str(zippedFile),dirPath + dirFileName[:dirFileName.index(".")] + " - " + str(picNum)) # moves the picture out
                        picNum += 1
                delDOCXEvidence(dirPath) # removes the extracted file structure
                os.remove(useZIP.filename) # removes zip file
                # no evidence
            if dirFileName.endswith(".xlsx"):
                useZIP = zipDoc(dirFile,dirPath) # turns it into a zip
                picNum = 1 # number of pictures in file
                for zippedFile in useZIP.namelist(): # loops through all files in the directory
                    if hasPicExtension(zippedFile): # if it ends with photo
                        useZIP.extract(zippedFile, path=dirPath) # extracts the picture to the path + word/media/
                        shutil.move(dirPath + str(zippedFile),dirPath + dirFileName[:dirFileName.index(".")] + " - " + str(picNum)) # moves the picture out
                        picNum += 1
                delXLSXEvidence(dirPath) # removes the extracted file structure
                os.remove(useZIP.filename) # removes zip file
                # no evidence

        print("Not a directory path!")

uDir = input("Enter your directory: ")

Tags: thepathinifoszipdirectoryword
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-24 10:28:20


import zipfile
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import io

blur = ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(40)

def redact_images(filename,FilePath):
    outfile = filename.replace(".xlsx", "_redacted.xlsx")
    with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as inzip:
        with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, "w") as outzip:
            i = 0
            for info in inzip.infolist():
                name = info.filename
                content = inzip.read(info)
                if name.endswith((".png", ".jpeg", ".gif")):
                        fmt = name.split(".")[-1]
                        Name = name.split("/")[-1]
                        img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(content))
                        img.save(FilePath + str(Name))
                        outb = io.BytesIO()
                        img.save(outb, fmt)
                        content = outb.getvalue()
                        info.file_size = len(content)
                        info.CRC = zipfile.crc32(content)
                        i += 1
                outzip.writestr(info, content)



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