
2024-09-29 21:51:19 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

Write a program that prompts for the user to input a sentence. Then check this sentence to make sure the first word of the sentence is capitalized and the sentence ends with a punctuation mark. If it is not properly written, fix the sentence, print the type of error, and print the fixed sentence.


import string

sentence = input("Enter a sentence ")

class acceptSentence():

    punctuationcount = lambda a,b:len(list(filter(lambda c: c in b,a)))

    numberofpunctuationcount =  punctuationcount(sentence,string.punctuation)

for each in sentence:
    if each.startswith(each.upper()):
        print ("Starts with Capital letter ",each)


    if (numberofpunctuations >=1):

        print("Sentence Ends with punctuation")

        print("Error : there is no punctuion mark at end of setence")

        obj = acceptSentence()

Tags: andofthetoforinputstringis


def sentence():
  text=input("Please type a sentence here: ")

  if text[0].isalpha() and not text[0].isupper(): # Begins with letter, but not uppercase?
    text=text[0].upper()+text[1:]                 # Make it uppercase then
    print("Sentences should start in uppercase");

  if text[-1] not in [".","!","?"]:               # Does not end with punctuation?
    text+="."                                     # Append a period then
    print("Sentences should end with punctuation mark")

  return text



sentence = input("Enter a sentence ").lstrip()  # remove trailing whitespaces

# check if first character is uppercase
if not sentence[0].isupper():
    print("Sentence does not start with uppercase character")
    # correct the sentence
    sentence = sentence[0].upper() + sentence[1:]

# check if last character is a punctuation 
# (feel free to add other punctuations)
if sentence[-1] not in (['.']):
    print("Sentence does not end with punctuation character")
    # correct the sentence
    sentence += '.'

#finally print the correct sentence



import string

sentence = input("Enter a sentence:")

first_word = sentence.split()[0] # .split() gives you a list of words in the sentence, 0 is the index of the first word;

capitalized_first_word = first_word.title() # .title() capitalizes a string;

# Check whether the first word is not equal to the capitalized word:
if first_word != capitalized_first_word:
    print ("Sentence does not start with a capital letter.")
    # Replace the first word in the sentence with the capitalized word:
    sentence = sentence.replace(first_word, capitalized_first_word)

# Check if the sentence does not end with a punctuation mark, -1 is the index of the last character in the sentence:
if not sentence[-1] in string.punctuation:
    print("Sentence does not end with punctuation.")
    # Add punctuation to the end of the sentence:
    sentence += '.'

# Print the sentence:

有关更多详细信息,请查看string indexing。在

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