
2024-09-27 07:21:06 发布

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这是一个关于为一组并行数据生成图像或任何其他表示的问题。不是关于绘图或GUI编程,而是计算位置。 首先,我将解释一下我现在的立场,第二张图片和示例展示了我的问题。在


exampleOne-Easy http://www.wargsang.de/text3935.png

我有一个一维的物体,但它们是通过把它们放在平行的“直线”上对齐的。我们把这个一维对象称为“事件”,它以“持续时间”为时间单位。 这些事件有一个变量,其中没有发生任何事情,对象没有数据,只有持续时间;一个“间隙”对象。在

因此,我们得到了一个由事件和间隙组成的模拟对象的时间表,它很容易作为三个对象列表来处理。 可视化也很简单:在列表上循环并根据其持续时间绘制每个对象。在

class Event():
    def __init__(self, duration, displacement = 0):  #displacement is explained in the second example and the core problem of this question
        self.duration = duration
        self.displacement = displacement
        #additional data

    def self.draw(self, start_coordinate):
        """draw duration * 10 pixels in black"""
        #drawing code using start_coordinate to place the drawn object. see example graphic
        return duration * 10

class Gap():
    def __init__(self, duration, displacement = 0):
        self.duration = duration
        self.displacement = displacement
        #no data

    def self.draw(self, start_coordinate):
        """draw duration * 10 pixels in transparent"""
        #drawing code using start_coordinate to place the drawn object. see example graphic
        return duration * 10

row_one = [Event(1), Gap(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(2)]
row_two = [Event(1), Gap(2), Event(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(1), Gap(1), ]
row_thr = [Gap(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(3),]

timetable = [row_one, row_two, row_thr]

for row in timetable:
    pixelcounter = 0 # the current position.
    for item in row:
        ret = item.draw(pixelcounter) #draw on the current position. Get how width the item was
        pixelcounter += ret #save width for the next iteration        
    #instructions to move the "drawing cursor" down a few pixels so the next row does not overlap.     


现在是问题。有些对象需要图形空间,但持续时间为零。 我称之为“位移”。在

exampleTwo-Problematic http://www.wargsang.de/text4120.png

或者我们需要有持续时间但也有位移的物体。 当我们只有一行时,这仍然不是问题,但是同步行更复杂,我没有解决方案。在


示例: *想象一下一个会议的时间表,每小时有不同的演讲者时段(我们的时段)。每一行代表一个不同的会议室。在

  • 黑色方块是演讲稿,可能有一个简短的主题(以图形方式)写在里面。

  • 蓝色方块也是演讲稿,但主题太长,写不下,所以我们需要更多的空间。

  • 红色是房间号码的变化。它们不需要自己花时间,而是与后面的所有项目相关。*

任务是从上面的函数中找到一种计算像素计数器的方法,这样每一行都是正确的,但是一行中的位移会影响所有其他行,并在那里创建额外的空间。 目标是在每一行中固定和对齐持续时间。任何应该开始的事件或间隔,例如,单位计数4,都应该从相同的绝对位置开始。在


在图中,我们可以在第2列看到一个相当简单的情况,这也意味着这将开始第二个持续时间槽。尽管该列中有三个实际事件被右移,因为那里有一个置换项。 第4列有一个持续时间项,它也有位移。同样,所有从插槽5开始的项目都会向右移动。 哥伦布6是最有趣也是我真正的问题,我在这里找不到解决办法。同样,第6列中的所有实际事件都向右移动,并且仍然同时开始。但是这里我们有两排位移物体和两个物体,两个物体在彼此后面。 所以,对于真实事件来说,知道完整的位移是很重要的,但是对于第三排的第二个物体来说,知道在它前面还有一个位移项也是很重要的。在





Tags: the数据对象inselfevent时间事件


function timeToLocation(t)
  location = t * scale
  for (o : extraSpaceList)
    if o.when < t
      location = location + o.space
  return location




  • 开始时间相同的不同行上的位移是同步的,即水平位置相同(每行的第一个位移与其他行的第一个位移同步)
  • 具有相同开始时间的“真实”事件和间隙是同步的,并且在具有相同开始时间的位移之后
  • 事件的宽度取决于它的持续时间(可能还有它的位移),但是不是取决于其他行上的位移,即结束时间不同步



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                         11    11  1 1     1     1  1   1  22 22   2     2  22  22   33    333    3  3  3 3   3 4   44444  4   4   4  45
    01 2 34   5678    9  01    23  4 5     6     7  8   9  01 23   4     5  67  89   01    234    5  6  7 8   9 0   12345  6   7   8  90
    AAAA  BB   CCC  dd..  EEe   Fff..      GGGGGg           ....         ...    HHH   ....        IIii  JJJ     ...   KKK  LLLLl
abbbCCC  DDDDDdd ..      EEEEE       Fff   GGG          HHH   IIIii      JJJjj  KKKK       LLLl   Mno.  PPP    qR   SSSSSs TT   uuuVV
    ...  AAAAA   BBB      CC    DDDD             ...       EE FFFF          GHhhIIII       JJ.    K  Lll.m....       NNNO  ....
    ......     AAAA      ..    ....        BBB          CCCCCc     DDDDDd        Ee  FFFFff  G hhhIIIII         JJJ   KLLLLLll        M
    .. AAA    BBBCcc  DD  EE    ..   FFF           gH   IIIIIi     J     KKk LL  MMMMM       NNNNNn           OOo   PPQQQQ  rrr...
    AAAAa .   BBBBbb  CCCCC        DDDDDd            eeeFFFFF      GG       HH  .....       IIIII         JJ    K   LM.NNNNN          .
    AAAaaBBB   CCCcc  DDDDDdd      EeFF          ...       GGgHHHH          III  JJJJ       KKK    llMMMm  nnnOOOO    PPPp ...        Q
    AAAAA     BBBBB      CCCC      .....                DDD   EEEEE          FFFff   ....    GGGG         HHHHhh     II....     j  .  .
    AAAaa..   BBBBbb  CccDDDDD       ....               EEE   .F   GgghhhII  Jj KKKK       ...    ...     LLll  ...   MMMM     N   OooP
    ....  Aa  ..BCCC      .....            DDD          EEEe  FFf  .....         GGGG       HIIIIIii          . JJ   ....  KKk     LL
    AAAAAa  bbC.....      DDDDD            ....          eeFFFFff  GGGGG         ...    hh IIJJJ        KKK     L   MMMMMmmNNNN
    ..aBBB    CCCCc   .....        .....                ...   D.   E     FFFFFff   ggHHhiiiJKKKk     LLLLL       mmmNNNOP  Q   RRR
    AA BbCCCC   DD    Ee FFFFFff     GGGGG                 HH IIIi       JjjK..  LLLll     MMMMmm    ....       .   NNNOOOOOoo        P
    AB CCCCC    .....        ddEEEE     fffGgg   HHHHHhh      II jjKKKK         LLLL       MMMM    nn..   OO    PPPPPpp QQQQQqq
    AAA  BBB   CCCC      DDdd  EE  FFF        gggHh IIIii   JJJJ         K  LLLLl    MMm   NNOOOO         .   PP    .QQQRRRRR


from heapq import merge
from itertools import groupby, cycle, chain
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import attrgetter
from string import ascii_uppercase

# events are processed in this order:
# increasing start time, displacements (duration=0) first, and grouped by row_id
ev_sort_attrs = attrgetter("time", "duration", "row_id")

class Event:

    def __init__(self, duration, displacement=0, visible=True, time=None, row_id=None):
        self.duration = duration
        self.displacement = displacement
        self.visible = visible
        self.time = time
        self.row_id = row_id
        self.pos = None

    def draw(self, char):
        return char * self.duration + char.lower() * self.displacement

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return ev_sort_attrs(self) < ev_sort_attrs(other)

def Gap(duration):
    return Event(duration, visible=False)

class Timetable(list):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        """ compute positions for a list of rows of events """
        list.__init__(self, *args)

        # compute times for the events, and give them row_ids
        for i, row in enumerate(self):
            t = 0
            for ev in row:
                ev.time = t
                t += ev.duration
                ev.row_id = i

        # map times to position for displacements and event
        t2pos_disp = defaultdict(int) # maps times to position of synchronized start of displacements
        t2pos_ev = defaultdict(int) # maps times to position of synchronized start of events and gaps

        # the real work is done in the following loop
        t_prev = 0
        for t, g in groupby(merge(*self), key=attrgetter("time")):

            # different times should have a minimum distance corresponding to their difference
            t2pos_ev[t] = t2pos_disp[t] = max(t2pos_ev[t], t2pos_ev[t_prev] + t - t_prev)
            t_prev = t

            for (duration, row_id), g_row in groupby(g, key=attrgetter("duration", "row_id")): # process all displacements first, then the events
                pos_ev = t2pos_ev[t] if duration > 0 else t2pos_disp[t] # events and displacements start at different
                for ev in g_row:
                    ev.pos = pos_ev
                    pos_ev += ev.duration + ev.displacement
                t2pos_ev[t + ev.duration] = max(t2pos_ev[t + ev.duration], pos_ev)

        # keep our results...
        self.t2pos_ev = t2pos_ev
        self.t2pos_disp = t2pos_disp

    def str_row(row):
        """ draw row, uppercase letters for real events, lower case letters for
        displacements, dots for gaps"""

        ev_chars = cycle(ascii_uppercase)
        out = []
        l = 0
        for ev in row:
            if ev.pos > l:
                out.append(" " * (ev.pos - l))
            out.append(ev.draw(next(ev_chars) if ev.visible else "."))
            l = ev.pos + len(out[-1])
        return "".join(out)

    def __str__(self):
        max_t, max_p = max(self.t2pos_ev.items())
        w = len(str(max_t))
        header_temp = [" " * w] * (max_p + 1)
        for t, p in self.t2pos_ev.items():
            header_temp[p] = "%*d" % (w, t)
        headers = ("".join(header) for header in zip(*header_temp))

        rows = (self.str_row(row) for row in self)

        return "\n".join(chain(headers, rows))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # original example
    row_one = [Event(1), Event(0,1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(0,1), Event(1), Event(1)]
    row_two = [Event(1), Event(1), Gap(1), Event(1, 1), Event(1), Event(1), Event(1)]
    row_thr = [Event(1), Event(1), Event(1), Event(1), Event(1), Event(0,1), Event(0,1), Event(1), Event(1)]

    timetable = Timetable([row_one, row_two, row_thr])

    print("-" * 80)

    # short example, shows ending times are not synchronized
    print(Timetable([[Event(2, 1)], [Event(1, 1), Event(1)], [Event(1, 2), Event(1)]]))

    print("-" * 80)

    # larger random example
    def random_row(l):
        import random
        res = []
        t = 0
        while t < l:
            x = random.random()
            if x < 0.1: res.append(Event(0, random.randint(1, 3)))
            elif x < 0.8: res.append(Event(min(random.randint(1, 5), l - t), random.randint(0, 1) * random.randint(0, 2)))
            else: res.append(Gap(min(random.randint(1, 5), l - t)))
            t += res[-1].duration
        return res

    print(Timetable([random_row(50) for _ in range(15)]))


对于每一列,在对每一行进行初始处理时,跟踪行的“零持续时间”框的最大宽度。当您最终绘制每个实际事件时,它从其列的max width值的末尾开始。(我假设您已经在计算列的开始位置。)


当您绘制一个真实事件时,它将从它的column\u start+column max zero duration width开始。在

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