
2024-09-28 05:20:17 发布

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这里使用的多项式除法是synthetic division(也称为Horner方法)。在


def rsenc(msg_in, nsym, gen):
    '''Reed-Solomon encoding using polynomial division, better explained at http://research.swtch.com/field'''
    msg_out = bytearray(msg_in) + bytearray(len(gen)-1)
    lgen = bytearray([gf_log[gen[j]] for j in xrange(len(gen))])

    for i in xrange(len(msg_in)):
        coef = msg_out[i]
        # coef = gf_mul(msg_out[i], gf_inverse(gen[0]))  // for general polynomial division (when polynomials are non-monic), we need to compute: coef = msg_out[i] / gen[0]
        if coef != 0: # coef 0 is normally undefined so we manage it manually here (and it also serves as an optimization btw)
            lcoef = gf_log[coef] # precaching

            for j in xrange(1, len(gen)): # optimization: can skip g0 because the first coefficient of the generator is always 1! (that's why we start at position 1)
                msg_out[i + j] ^= gf_exp[lcoef + lgen[j]] # equivalent (in Galois Field 2^8) to msg_out[i+j] += msg_out[i] * gen[j]

    # Recopy the original message bytes
    msg_out[:len(msg_in)] = msg_in
    return msg_out





With PyPy:
rsenc : total time elapsed 0.108183 seconds.
rsenc_alt1 : output is incorrect!
rsenc_alt1 : total time elapsed 0.164084 seconds.
rsenc_alt2 : output is incorrect!
rsenc_alt2 : total time elapsed 0.557697 seconds.

Without PyPy:
rsenc : total time elapsed 3.518857 seconds.
rsenc_alt1 : output is incorrect!
rsenc_alt1 : total time elapsed 5.630897 seconds.
rsenc_alt2 : output is incorrect!
rsenc_alt2 : total time elapsed 6.100434 seconds.
rsenc_numpy : output is incorrect!
rsenc_numpy : total time elapsed 1.631373 seconds


/UPDATE和赏金的目标:我发现了一个非常有趣的优化技巧,它承诺可以大大加快计算速度:to precompute the multiplication table。我用新函数rsenc_precomp()更新了上面的代码。但是,在我的实现中一点好处也没有,它甚至慢了一点:

rsenc : total time elapsed 0.107170 seconds.
rsenc_precomp : total time elapsed 0.108788 seconds.



Tags: inoutputlentimeismsgouttotal




from cython.parallel import parallel, prange

cdef rsenc_cython(msg_in_r, nsym, gen_t) :
    '''Reed-Solomon encoding using polynomial division, better explained at http://research.swtch.com/field'''

    cdef uint8_t[::1] msg_in = bytearray(msg_in_r) # have to copy, unfortunately - can't make a memory view from a read only object
    #cdef int[::1] gen = array.array('i',gen_t) # convert list to array
    cdef uint8_t[::1] gen = gen_t

    cdef uint8_t[::1] msg_out = bytearray(msg_in) + bytearray(len(gen)-1)
    cdef int i, j
    cdef uint8_t[::1] lgen = bytearray(gen.shape[0])
    for j in xrange(gen.shape[0]):
        lgen[j] = gf_log_c[gen[j]]

    cdef uint8_t coef,lcoef
    with nogil:
        for i in xrange(msg_in.shape[0]):
            coef = msg_out[i]
            if coef != 0: # coef 0 is normally undefined so we manage it manually here (and it also serves as an optimization btw)
                lcoef = gf_log_c[coef] # precaching

                for j in prange(1, gen.shape[0]): # optimization: can skip g0 because the first coefficient of the generator is always 1! (that's why we start at position 1)
                    msg_out[i + j] ^= gf_exp_c[lcoef + lgen[j]] # equivalent (in Galois Field 2^8) to msg_out[i+j] -= msg_out[i] * gen[j]

    # Recopy the original message bytes
    msg_out[:msg_in.shape[0]] = msg_in
    return msg_out






  • "Modular Reduction in GF (2 n) without Pre-computational Phase". Kneževic, M., et al. Arithmetic of Finite Fields. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. 77-87.
  • "On computation of polynomial modular reduction". Wu, Huapeng. Technical report, Univ. of Waterloo, The Centre for applied cryptographic research, 2000.
  • "A fast software implementation for arithmetic operations in GF (2n)". De Win, E., Bosselaers, A., Vandenberghe, S., De Gersem, P., & Vandewalle, J. (1996, January). In Advances in Cryptology—Asiacrypt'96 (pp. 65-76). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. link
  • Barnett reduction


/EDIT:我发现了一个库,里面有很多非常有趣的优化,甚至在任何学术论文中都找不到(作者说他读过btw),这可能是Reed-Solomon最快的软件实现:关于更多细节,wirehair project和{a2}。值得注意的是,作者还使用类似的优化技巧制作了一个Cauchy-Reed-Solomon codec called longhair。在


Plank, James S., Kevin M. Greenan, and Ethan L. Miller. "Screaming fast Galois field arithmetic using intel SIMD instructions." FAST. 2013. link

implementation, in pure Go, is available here and is authored by Klaus Post。这是我读过的最快的实现,包括单线程和并行(它同时支持两者)。它声称单线程速度超过1GB/s,8线程时超过4Gb/s。然而,它依赖于优化的SIMD指令和对矩阵运算的各种低级优化(因为这里RS编解码器是面向矩阵的,而不是我问题中的多项式方法)。在


在我的机器上,以下是pypy的3倍(0.04s vs 0.15s)。使用Cython:

ctypedef unsigned char uint8_t # does not work with Microsoft's C Compiler: from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t
cimport cpython.array as array

cdef uint8_t[::1] gf_exp = bytearray([1, 3, 5, 15, 17, 51, 85, 255, 26, 46, 114, 150, 161, 248, 19,
   lots of numbers omitted for space reasons

cdef uint8_t[::1] gf_log = bytearray([0, 0, 25, 1, 50, 2, 26, 198, 75, 199, 27, 104, 
    more numbers omitted for space reasons

import cython

def rsenc(msg_in_r, nsym, gen_t):
    '''Reed-Solomon encoding using polynomial division, better explained at http://research.swtch.com/field'''

    cdef uint8_t[::1] msg_in = bytearray(msg_in_r) # have to copy, unfortunately - can't make a memory view from a read only object
    cdef int[::1] gen = array.array('i',gen_t) # convert list to array

    cdef uint8_t[::1] msg_out = bytearray(msg_in) + bytearray(len(gen)-1)
    cdef int j
    cdef uint8_t[::1] lgen = bytearray(gen.shape[0])
    for j in xrange(gen.shape[0]):
        lgen[j] = gf_log[gen[j]]

    cdef uint8_t coef,lcoef

    cdef int i
    for i in xrange(msg_in.shape[0]):
        coef = msg_out[i]
        if coef != 0: # coef 0 is normally undefined so we manage it manually here (and it also serves as an optimization btw)
            lcoef = gf_log[coef] # precaching

            for j in xrange(1, gen.shape[0]): # optimization: can skip g0 because the first coefficient of the generator is always 1! (that's why we start at position 1)
                msg_out[i + j] ^= gf_exp[lcoef + lgen[j]] # equivalent (in Galois Field 2^8) to msg_out[i+j] -= msg_out[i] * gen[j]

    # Recopy the original message bytes
    msg_out[:msg_in.shape[0]] = msg_in
    return msg_out

它只是静态类型的最快版本(从cython -a检查html,直到循环没有用黄色突出显示)。在


  • Cython更喜欢x.shape[0]而不是len(shape)

  • 将memoryView定义为[::1]可以保证它们在内存中是连续的,这有助于

  • initializedcheck(False)对于避免对全局定义的gf_exp和{}进行大量的存在性检查是必要的。(您可能会发现,通过为基本Python/PyPy代码创建一个局部变量引用并使用该istead,可以加快基本Python/PyPy代码的速度)

  • 我不得不复制几个输入参数。Cython无法从只读对象(在本例中是msg_in,一个字符串)创建memoryview。不过,我本可以把它做成一个字符。另外,gen(一个列表)需要在具有快速元素访问的东西中。


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