
2024-09-25 08:41:28 发布

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  1. 新的网络代码(除了小的命令行工具)应该用Twisted编写吗?在
  2. 你会在同一个项目中混合使用Twisted、http2lib或socket代码吗?在
  3. 对于大多数库来说Twisted pythonic(它比替代方案更复杂,引入了对非标准包的依赖性…)?在


Tags: 工具项目代码命令行网络方案twistedgui


At the core of libraries like Twisted, the function in the main loop is not sleep, but an operating system call like select() or poll(), as exposed by a module like the Python select module. I say "like" select, because this is an API that varies a lot between platforms, and almost every GUI toolkit has its own version. Twisted currently provides an abstract interface to 14 different variations on this theme. The common thing that such an API provides is provide a way to say "Here are a list of events that I'm waiting for. Go to sleep until one of them happens, then wake up and tell me which one of them it was."

  1. 新的网络代码(除了小的命令行工具)应该用Twisted编写吗?
    • 也许吧。要看情况而定。有时候,将阻塞调用封装在自己的线程中就足够简单了。Twisted适合于大规模网络代码。在
  2. 你会在同一个项目中混合使用Twisted、http2lib或socket代码吗?
    • 当然可以。但是要记住Twisted是单线程的,Twisted中的任何阻塞调用都会阻塞整个引擎。在
  3. 对于大多数库来说Twisted pythonic(它比替代方案更复杂,引入了对非标准包的依赖性…)?
    • 很多扭曲的狂热者会说它属于Python标准库。但是许多人可以用asyncore/asynchat实现像样的网络代码。在

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