
2024-05-11 19:43:33 发布

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for v1, v2 in zip(iter1, iter2):
   print len(v1) # prints 0






How to use:
>>> from color_assign import Bag, assign_colors
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> old_topics = set([
... Bag(name='T1', group=0, color=1, count=16000),
... Bag(name='T2', group=0, color=1, count=16000),
... Bag(name='T3', group=1, color=2, count=16000),
... Bag(name='T4', group=2, color=3, count=16000),
... ])
>>> new_topics = set([
... Bag(name='T1', group=0, color=None, count=16000),
... Bag(name='T2', group=4, color=None, count=16000),
... Bag(name='T3', group=1, color=None, count=16000),
... Bag(name='T4', group=1, color=None, count=16000),
... ])
>>> color_ranges = [ [1,10] ]
>>> assign_colors(old_topics, new_topics, color_ranges)
>>> pprint(sorted(new_topics, key=attrgetter('name')))
[Bag(name=T1, group=0, color=1, count=16000),
 Bag(name=T2, group=4, color=3, count=16000),
 Bag(name=T3, group=1, color=2, count=16000),
 Bag(name=T4, group=1, color=2, count=16000)]

from itertools import groupby, izip
from operator import attrgetter

class Bag:
  def __init__(self, name, group, color=None, count=None):
    self.name  = name 
    self.group = group
    self.color    = color   
    self.count  = count 
  def __repr__(self):
    return "Bag(name={self.name}, group={self.group}, color={self.color}, count={self.count})".format(self=self)
  def __key(self):
    return self.name
  def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self.__key())
  def __eq__(self, other):
    return type(self) is type(other) and self.__key() == other.__key()

def color_range_gen(color_ranges, used_colors):
  color_ranges = sorted(color_ranges)
  color_iter = iter(sorted(used_colors))
  next_used = next(color_iter, None)
  for start_color, end_color in color_ranges:
    cur_color = start_color
    end_color = end_color
    while cur_color <= end_color:
      if cur_color == next_used:
        next_used = next(color_iter, None)
        yield cur_color
      cur_color = cur_color + 1

def assign_colors(old_topics, new_topics, color_ranges):
  old_topics -= (old_topics-new_topics) #Remove topics from old_topics which are no longer present in new_topics
  used_colors = set()

  def group_topics(topics):
    by_group = attrgetter('group')
    for _, tgrp in groupby(sorted(topics, key=by_group), by_group):
      yield tgrp

  for topic_group in group_topics(old_topics):
    oldtset = frozenset(topic_group)
    peek = next(iter(oldtset))
      new_group = next(topic.group for topic in new_topics if topic.name == peek.name and not topic.color)
    except StopIteration:
    newtset = frozenset(topic for topic in new_topics if topic.group == new_group)
    if oldtset <= newtset:
      for topic in newtset:
        topic.color = peek.color

  free_colors = color_range_gen(color_ranges, used_colors)
  unassigned_topics = (t for t in new_topics if not t.color)
  for tset, color in zip(group_topics(unassigned_topics), free_colors):
    for topic in tset:
      topic.color = color

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import doctest


my_host:my_dir$ /tmp/color_assign.py
File "/tmp/color_assign.py", line 21, in __main__
Failed example:
    pprint(sorted(new_topics, key=attrgetter('name')))
    [Bag(name=T1, group=0, color=1, count=16000),
     Bag(name=T2, group=4, color=3, count=16000),
     Bag(name=T3, group=1, color=2, count=16000),
     Bag(name=T4, group=1, color=2, count=16000)]
    [Bag(name=T1, group=0, color=None, count=16000),
     Bag(name=T2, group=4, color=3, count=16000),
     Bag(name=T3, group=1, color=2, count=16000),
     Bag(name=T4, group=1, color=2, count=16000)]
1 items had failures:
   1 of   7 in __main__
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
my_host:my_dir$ sed -i 's/zip(/izip(/g' /tmp/color_assign.py
my_host:my_dir$ /tmp/color_assign.py

更新: 问题在于使用zip时,groupby使迭代器失效

Tags: nameinselfnonenewfortopiccount

你遇到的问题是由两个因素共同造成的。{{cd2>只需要立即获取底层项目。第二,当groupby对象处于高级状态时,the previous iterators are no longer valid

The returned group is itself an iterator that shares the underlying iterable with groupby(). Because the source is shared, when the groupby() object is advanced, the previous group is no longer visible. So, if that data is needed later, it should be stored as a list:



>>> from itertools import izip

>>> zip(range(5), 'abcde')
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e')]

>>> it = izip(range(5), 'abcde')
>>> it
<itertools.izip object at 0xa660fcc>
>>> next(it)
(0, 'a')
>>> next(it)
(1, 'b')


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