
2024-09-28 21:33:40 发布

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我正在使用pyspark dataframes,需要对其中一列执行数据清理,如下所示:

df.select('words').show(10, truncate = 100)

|                                                                                               words|
|[you, are, hereby, ordered, to, cease, and, desist, all, furthe, r, emails, to, this, address, im...|
|[content, type, text, plain, charset, utf, 8, content, transfer, encoding, quoted, printable, x, ...|
|[you, are, hereby, ordered, to, cease, and, desist, all, furthe, r, emails, to, this, address, im...|
|[, original, message, return, path, bounce, 19853e, 6fb54, visyak, 3djuno, com, cysticacneonchin,...|
|[, forwarded, message, return, pat, h, bounce, 19853e, 6fb54, visyak, 3djuno, com, cysticacneonch...|
|[, original, message, from, 248, 623, 1653, mailto, lisa, lahlahsales, com, 20, sent, tuesday, fe...|
|[2018, horse, trailer, closeouts, free, delivery, cash, back, click, here, to, view, it, online, ...|
|[, original, message, from, paypal, us, mailto, scottkahndmd, nc, rr, com, sent, 27, february, 20...|
|[2col, 1, 2, 09, client, specific, styles, outlook, a, padding, 0, force, outlook, to, provide, a...|
|[you, are, hereby, ordered, to, cease, and, desist, all, furthe, r, emails, to, this, address, im...|
only showing top 10 rows


remover = StopWordsRemover(inputCol='words', outputCol='words_clean') #remove stop-word
df = remover.transform(df)

df = df.withColumn("words_filtered", F.expr("filter(words_clean, x -> not(length(x) < 3))")).where(F.size(F.col("words_filtered")) > 0) #remove words with less than 3 characters

wnl = WordNetLemmatizer()
def remove_words(words):
    return [word for word in words if wnl.lemmatize(word) in nltk.corpus.words.words()] #removing words that are not in nltk corpus

df = df.withColumn('words_final', remove_words('words_filtered'))


df.select('words_final').show(10, truncate = 100)

|                                                                                         words_final|
|[hereby, ordered, cease, desist, address, immediately, authorities, provider, continued, failure,...|
|[content, type, text, plain, content, transfer, printable, apparently, yahoo, tue, return, path, ...|
|[hereby, ordered, cease, desist, address, immediately, authorities, provider, continued, failure,...|
|[original, message, return, path, bounce, received, sender, bounce, tue, pst, results, received, ...|
|[message, return, pat, bounce, received, sender, bounce, tue, pst, results, received, ass, receiv...|
|                                                       [original, message, sent, ball, subject, get]|
|[horse, trailer, free, delivery, cash, back, click, view, horse, magazine, index, option, archive...|
|[original, message, sent, subject, notification, payment, number, hello, payment, amount, payment...|
|[client, specific, styles, outlook, padding, force, outlook, provide, view, browser, button, body...|
|[hereby, ordered, cease, desist, address, immediately, authorities, provider, continued, failure,...|
only showing top 10 rows

我看到停止词(are, the, in,等)和许多垃圾词(如scottkahndmd)或不完整词(如furthe)被删除。但是像emails, tuesday, february, encoding, quoted, online这样的词也很少被删除。可能会有更多这样的英语单词被忽略


Tags: tomessagedfreturnaddressarewordsbounce
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-28 21:33:40


  1. StopWordsRemover删除common words,如heshemyself等。通常这些词在文本模型中可能不是很有用,但这取决于您试图解决的任务
  2. 另一层过滤是你的WordNetLemmatizer-它可能是删除emailencoding等的主要原因。试着调整它,减少删除单词的攻击性

另外,如果你在Spark上做NLP,我建议你看看Spark NLP包。它可以更高的性能,更多的功能,等等

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