
2024-09-27 00:22:48 发布

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我试图用python求解一维水分传输方程,但结果并不稳定。也许你们可以帮我。 我有以下圆柱形样品。外壳表面不透水,因此水分只能通过前表面进入: Experimental setup

方程式如下: Used Equation

对于偏方程的空间离散化,使用了有限体积技术。时间离散化采用隐式公式: Explaining solving schemeMy solution


import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.linalg 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import functionCollection as fC
import time
import random
To do:
1) Define and update parameters
2) Initial and boundary conditions
3) Create the tridiag
4) Solve system of linear equations
After 1-4 works, do ADI method to update parameters in tridiag with step = 1/2(phi_n + phi_n-1)
#1) Define the parameters
probeLength = 0.15
spatialSteps = 23
timePeriod = 3600*24*36
timeSteps = 24*36
# create meshpoints in space
x = np.linspace(0,probeLength,spatialSteps+1)
# define stepsize
dx = x[1]-x[0]
# create meshpoints in time
t = np.linspace(0,timePeriod,timeSteps+1)
# define stepsize
dt = t[1]-t[0]

# define initial and boundary conditions [-]
ic_phi = 0.5
bc_phi = 0.9
# define vectors for humidity
phi_n = phi_n1 = np.zeros(spatialSteps+2)
# fill ibc
phi_n1 = phi_n1+ic_phi
phi_n1[0] = phi_n1[-1] = bc_phi

# define fixed parameters 
p_sat = 2814.6337703571003
delta_pw = 6.579*10**-11

# define list of results for humidity and water content
lstPhi = []
lstW = []
# for loop to solve for timesteps
for i in range(0,timeSteps+1):
    # update variable parameters
    D_phi = fC.calc_D_phi(phi_n1)
    dw_dphi = fC.derivative_dw_dphi(phi_n1)
    # calculate F
    F = (D_phi + delta_pw * p_sat) * (1 / dw_dphi ) * (dt / (dx**2))
    b = phi_n1
    b[0] = b[-1] = bc_phi
    tridiag = fC.make_tridiag(F,spatialSteps)
    phi_n = scipy.linalg.solve(tridiag,b)

    phi_n1 = phi_n

for phi in lstPhi:


import numpy as np
import math

def rf_to_h2o_content(phi,is_increasing=True):
    Maps relative humidity [-] to water content in [kg/m³] using the curve fitting described in Künzel et. al.
    correction factor: b_ad = 1.55379379, b_de = 2.4556701
    adjusted free water saturation only for fitting "Sorptionsisotherme": a_ad = 109.60291049, a_de = 108.87296769
    a = (109.60291049, 108.87296769) # adjusted free water saturation (a_ad, a_de)
    b = (1.55379379, 2.4556701)  # correction factor (b_ad, b_de)
    if is_increasing:
        w = a[0]*(b[0]-1)*np.array(phi)/(b[0]-np.array(phi))
        w = a[1]*(b[1]-1)*np.array(phi)/(b[1]-np.array(phi))

    return w

def derivative_dw_dphi(phi,is_increasing=True):
    Derivative of "Feuchtespeicherfunktion" [kg/m³].
    Returns the gradient for dw/dphi at given phi.
    a = (109.60291049, 108.87296769) # adjusted free water saturation (a_ad, a_de)
    b = (1.55379379, 2.4556701)  # correction factor (b_ad, b_de)
    if is_increasing:
        dw_dphi = a[0]*((b[0]-1) * (b[0]-phi) + (b[0]-1)*phi) / (b[0]-phi)**2
        dw_dphi = a[1]*((b[1]-1) * (b[1]-phi) + (b[1]-1)*phi) / (b[1]-phi)**2

    return dw_dphi

def _calc_D_ws(w):
    Calculate "Kapillartransportkoeffizient für den Saugvorgang" [m²/s]
    Needs water content of last/current step.
    w_f = 274.175 # free water saturation [kg/m3]
    A = 0.0247126 # Wasseraufnahmekoeffizient [kg/m2s0.5]
    D_ws = 3.8 * (A / w_f)**2 * 1000**(w/w_f-1) 

    return D_ws

def calc_D_phi(phi, is_increasing=True):
    Calculate "Flüssigleitkoeffzient" D_phi = D_w * dw/dphi [kg/ms]
    w = rf_to_h2o_content(phi,is_increasing)
    D_ws = _calc_D_ws(w)
    dw_dphi = derivative_dw_dphi(phi,is_increasing)
    D_phi = D_ws * dw_dphi

    return D_phi

def make_tridiag(F,tridiagDim):
    """tridiagDim excludes the extension."""
    A = np.zeros((tridiagDim+2, tridiagDim+2))
    for i in range(1, tridiagDim+1):
        A[i,i-1] = -F[i-1]
        A[i,i+1] = -F[i+1]
        A[i,i] = 1 + 2*F[i]
    A[0,0] = A[tridiagDim+1,tridiagDim+1] = 1
    return A

我的结果应该如下所示: How the results should look like 但它们看起来是这样的: How the wrong results look like at the moment

我对每一个暗示都感到高兴。 我目前的假设是:

  • 也许我不能像以前那样实现边界条件
  • 也许我的求解类型不适用于水相关系数


Tags: theinimportforisnpphidw
